Discover the contemporary work of Kobayashy

David, aka "Kobayashy"
Born on a Thursday morning on the 11th floor of the Vega Tower, I was in no hurry, but curiosity got the better of me. The firefighters didn't even have time to arrive before I was already there, snuggled in the arms of my 4-year-old brother.
I am an insatiable jack-of-all-trades, exploring everything without ever reaching perfection.
I am an everyday explorer, walking with my nose in the wind while waiting to meet the love of my life again.
And, despite appearances, I am neither an artist nor a photographer. I am NOTHING,
Just a guy looking for meaning in his life. I do my best to get by.
My biggest fan? Helmut, my teddy bear. He is as loyal as he is silent.
Luckily, I have a lucky star that shines behind the clouds, and a guardian angel who never leaves my side.
But you, you can follow me on Instagram: **my_lord_kobayashi**.
I communicate about the emotions I perceive
On the Proust madeleines I come across
.On the love that pierces me