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Sunrise florida / United States

Christian Nicolas grew up in a home where reverence for photography, literature, and the arts were evident. Molded by two parents professionally involved in photography, Christian was drawn behind the lens. Under the guidance of his parents and Uncles, Christian tested, learned, and entered the world of picture taking. By the age of twelve, he was already experimenting with special effects using the darkroom of his parents' lab to create abstract work. Christian's high regards for his father inclined him to benefit from the commitment he displayed teaching and writing. These particular surroundings shaped his personal interests and deepened his appreciation for the arts in general.Influenced by French poets, Verlaine, Ronsard, Beaudelaire and others, Christian at fourteen began writing poetry. He moved to the United States at nineteen to carry on his academic studies. His fondness for the family's passion enticed him to veer off studying and earning a degree in Art Photography instead. He worked in the field diligently for five years. With great enthusiasm, he devoted most of his free time to writing, drawing, and the study of mysticism. Until meeting Haitian master Jean Claude Garoute-also known as Tiga, these activities were his passion. With a natural flair for illustration, a keen eye for the esthetic, a dormant talent awakened as Christian began to paint with Tiga's guidance. Producing not only utilizing acrylics, Christian found new possibilities in the appliance of the "Soleil Brule-" technique created, documented and taught by Tiga. KRISTO was born. Totally immersing self in the new approach allowing spontaneity full authority, the artist emerges prompting this reveal: "This completes the circle, the missing link that I have been searching for so long; Painting takes me to another world, where freedom is not a vain word, but a liberating reality Motivated, Kristo began to translate the reality engulfing the country and Haitians by writing a series of poems. A compilation of nine texts in French and Kreyol generated "Haïti: Un cri de désespoir (Haiti: a Cry of Despair)", Kristo's first CD was released in October 2005. In February 2009, Kristo coauthored the Book Here…There and Beyond, a collection of the work of 16 Haitian artists of Florida, and was the curator of the first exhibit of the 16 artists from the book at the Miami Dade College.

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