Discover the contemporary work of Ksh2
Passionate. That's what sums me up best!
I've always been immersed in artistic circles. Music, visual arts mainly. When I was very young, my father had a computer at home for his work. An old cuckoo without a hard drive, but what a discovery for me!!! Digital technology has never left me. So it was quite natural that years later, after teasing MAO (Computer Assisted Music) and visual tinkering via Photoshop, that I also turned to 3D design and printing... then laser cutting. I like to fiddle with myself to achieve my goals and my tree-like mindset inevitably made me go in all directions with the possibility of letting my creativity speak. A handbag designed and cut out of wood impossible?... Oh yes in fact!!... well I'm going to do it then!!! That's it in a few words to make it short. Thank you for your interest.