Discover the contemporary work of LAURELLI

LAURELLI was born in Normandy in the middle of summer. Inspired by a painter friend, she began to paint. painting in 1997. Self-taught, lessons with his painter friends, outdoor exhibitions in Le Havre, outside. the M.J.C in Lisieux as well as in various galleries, bars and restaurants etc. Then a little further down in the South, exhibitions 2 consecutive years during the book fair, in galleries as well as in shops.. She continues the painting..
Inspiration comes from my Life, from my heart, from my guts..
The mysterious force that pushes us forward, open up to oneself, to others, has given birth to this series of drawings oil, paints.
My work is an ode to Silence, it is an inaudible whisper, a gaping wound..
I wish to offer you an emotion, a sensation, a desire..The quest for an ideal..?