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Laura Deidier
Beausset / France
Artiste Other expression
Laura Deidier

Young disabled and hearing-impaired artist who has always been passionate about art.


With a solid academic background and a graduate of creative workshops, I wish to inspire others through my artistic creations, particularly by adopting an eco-responsible approach.

Artistic approach

Artistic approach
My approach not only allows us to reduce the ecological footprint linked to the manufacture of works of art, but to offer a new life to objects intended for be thrown away.
I do painting, illustration and sculpture.
My premature birth 7 months to Summer the 1st stage of a fairly complex life journey.
What followed was a childhood marked by hospitalizations at home. rehearsal.
Deaf from birth, I found my freedom; in drawing and painting.
Ella allowed me to develop myself as an artist, particularly with the theme of abstract art.
I developed and approached many visual arts techniques.
Train to the School of Fine Arts in Paris the Seyne.
Curious by nature through classical drawing, sculpture and polymer.
Also, through various animated workshops, I was able to transmit my passion for art to the youngest but also to the oldest.
My artistic influences are based mainly on Early Art from all continents, returning to the sources and the very colorful Pop Art movement.
In my creative techniques, I particularly appreciate Van Gogh's drawing technique.
My approach to art takes several forms.
I am very excited about this. heart to share the feeling of freedom and well-being that my achievements give me.
The cathartic dimension was saving grace for me in my life journey has been atypical.
My Art is affected by this and must be able to highlight its significant power of abstraction.


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