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Le Bestiaire de Fred
ANGERS / France
Artiste Sculptor
Le Bestiaire de Fred

Frédéric Tabary is a designer, sculptor, and interior architect with more than 25 years of experience in the field of creating spaces and unique objects. Trained initially as a luthier and cabinetmaker, he obtained a CAP in cabinetmaking, a BEP FIM (Industrial Manufacturing of Furniture), and a BNMA (Brevet des Métiers d'Art en Marqueterie). Before venturing into sculpture, he gained extensive experience in interior design and architecture, working on innovative projects across the world. internationally and participating in television shows, notably on M6, where he presented interior design solutions​ (Frédéric Tabary)​​ (Fréric Tabary).

Fred's Bestiary

For the past year, Frédéric Tabary has devoted himself to &àgrave; sculpture, devoting all his days to it. Fred's Bestiary is an evolving collection of sculptural works, depicting articulated creatures in oak and other materials. These sculptures quickly evolved. into more complex rooms, often inhabited and equipped with home automation functionalities​ (Frédéric Tabary).

Materials and Techniques

All of Frédéric's sculptures are made by hand. handmade, mainly using oak wood, ash, and recycled materials. Works are often equipped with sensors and motors, allowing interaction with their environment. Frédéric favors artisanal techniques and upcycling, integrating elements of recovery into his creations for a sustainable and eco-responsible approach ( Frédéric Tabary)​​ (Frédéric Tabary).

&Flagship Work: Robert the Sperm Whale

Robert, a major sculpture in Fred's Bestiary, embodies the expertise and innovation of Frédéric Tabary. Measuring 1.10 meters long, Robert the sperm whale is sculpted from in hollowed-out oak and covered with leather, aluminum and PMMA (plexi). This work required more than a month of work, rate of 10 to 12 hours a day. Robert is the first inhabited creature in Fred's Bestiary, equipped with a cockpit, cabins for the crew, and a spiral staircase , bottles of nitrous oxide, an engine and the means to power this engine with the production of a fuel that does not yet exist. Robert is present on an ash base representing the strike when the sea recedes (Frédéric Tabary).

Path and Contributions

In addition to his sculptures, Frédéric Tabary has ledé several innovative architectural projects, including:

La Villa Hamster: A unique accommodation concept inspired by nature. by hamster habitats.

A Villa in Emergency: Transformation of refrigerated trailers into emergency housing for the homeless​ (Frédéric Tabary).

Le Loft du Port: A contemporary architecture project located in near a port.

La Villa Déchets: An eco-responsible project using recycled materials to create a sustainable home​ (Frédéric Tabary).

Television and Media

Frédéric Tabary wasé very present at television, with numerous projects broadcast in shows such as Question Maison and La Maison France 5. In addition, he has directed films such as Question Maison and La Maison France 5. and produced a program dedicated to architects and decorators entitled Archi Convaincu, thus demonstrating his commitment and influence in the field of design and architecture (Frédé ric Tabary) (Frédéric Tabary).

Exhibitions and Recognition

Frédéricé's works are regularly exhibited and have been exhibited in recent years. featured in various events and galleries, attracting the attention of art lovers and design professionals. Its commitment to sustainable projects and its ability to &àgrave; integrating technology into his artistic creations makes him a remarkable contemporary creator


Artistic approach

### Les Critters "Habitées" : An Innovative Artistic Approach by Frédéric Tabary


#### Critters Concept

Frédéric Tabary, at Through his project "Le Bestiaire de Fred", he creates interactive sculptures that he calls "Bestioles". These creatures are often inspired by animal shapes and are made with reclaimed materials, mainly wood and metal. What distinguishes the Tabary Beasts is their integration of modern technologies, allowing them to interact with their environment.


#### Examples of Creations

The example of the cross section of Robert the sperm whale perfectly illustrates this concept. The sculpture combines mechanical and electronic elements with inside a wooden and metal structure, creating a unique work of art. both aesthetic and functional. The transparency of the cut allows the internal components to be seen, emphasizing the fusion of art and technology.


#### Artistic Philosophy

Frédéric Tabary's artistic approach is based on the idea that works of art can be "inhabited" through technology, giving a new dimension to traditional sculpture. By integrating sensors, motors and other electronic devices, Tabary transforms his sculptures into interactive creatures, capable of responding to external stimuli. This approach revolutionizes the way audiences interact with art, creating a dynamic and immersive experience.


#### Impact and Innovation

Tabary's work highlights the importance of sustainability. and recycling in contemporary art. By using recovered materials, he reduces the ecological footprint of his creations while giving them a second life. The integration of technology into his works also opens new possibilities for interactive art, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of sculpture.< /p>


To discover more creations and learn more about Fred's Bestiary, visit Frédéric Tabary's official website [here](http://www.frederic-tabary.fr).

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Fred's Bestiary