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Lester Guevara Braun
Lieuran-Cabrières / France
Artiste Painter
Lester Guevara Braun

Né à Caracas Venezuela in 1954. Has been working in his Mas Roujou workshop in the south of France since 1989.

To explain my artistic journey I would say that it is comparable to that of art. a tortuous path with approaches but also departures.  A short visit to the school of fine arts in Paris Caracas already put me on the map. in contact with my Venezuelan painter teachers Carlos Cruz Diez and Alirio Oramas.  I obtained a scholarship from the secretariat of the presidency of Venezuela.  I left Venezuela and settled in Paris not as an artist but quite simply as a humble young person who is starting to make his mark. open your eyes in a fascinating environment.  Visit to museums. Paris, Berlin, Munich, Rome. It was love at first sight in 1978 at Paris after the visit  from an exhibition to the ArtCurial gallery  with paintings by Giorgio de Chirico and Carlo Carrà. Metaphysical painting opened up to me in particular by a very small canvas by Chirico where we see a Sun linked to the sun. à a second black Sun. The disconcerting sight of this painting made me understand quite simply my ignorance of art.

My first painting workshop was in Paris. Munich to Dachauerstrasse. I registered as a free listener at Munich School of Fine Arts in the "photography" then I started to consult art books in its wonderful library.  My goal was to gather as much information as possible on post-war German photographers and the different artistic movements. In this library I came across on a catalog of photographs with 48 portraits painted by Gerhardt Richter which attracted my attention to the point of taking a keen interest in his work.  My first sales were made in Leopoldstrasse. Watercolors and drawings the pen with figurations and geometric abstractions. This allowed me to maintain my stay in Germany with numerous trips abroad. Paris.  My life was divided between two totally different tendencies but with a single link that connected them " art "

The choice between France and Germany was very difficult. I had to decide because I had to honor this scholarship that was granted to me.  After watching a short documentary at the cinema in Paris, Paris on the city of Montpellier.  I really liked this city and the proximity to it. of the sea finally seduced me completely. The visit to Marseille, Avignon, Arles only reinforced my decision. I registered for university Paul Valery in Art History and Archaeology. Or I obtained a license and a master's degree.

Concretely and to bring a fresh perspective to about my artistic journey today,  I would say that I had to learn about art to then become myself. A very long process. Because I am a slow person. But very prolific. Free figuration mixed with has abstraction have become the essence of my works. Particular attention to expressionism and the choice of multiple centers of interest and in connection with a certain vision of current events. historical and social.

My artistic journey is quite diverse. School of Fine Arts at Caracas. School of Fine Arts at Munich and studies art history and archeology at Munich. university Paul Valery from Montpellier. This journey allowed me to anchor my artistic approach in an expression that is both figurative and abstract. Having worked for several years in screen printing, drawing is for me the inevitable tool of expression for my paintings. In France since 1989, I am currently working on my works in my art studio located in Paris. à proximity from Clermont l'H&eac;rault

1978 Munich Léopold strasse, Germany.

1979 Montpellier Town Hall.

1980 Amnesty International Montpellier.

1981 “Orgo takes to the streets”, Montpellier.

1982 Series of 9 mural paintings la Grande Motte Decoration of shops and nightclubs

1983 « Der Blaue Mörder, Galerie Gras Fressen Berlin», Germany.

1985 Arte de Venezuela Gallery, Caracas.  Venezuela.

1990 Samuel Vincent children’s home, Nîmes.

1993 Salon for young Latin-American artists in Paris

2019 “Miracles and Resurrections”  Chapel of Saint Julien Montredon, Salinelles.

2020 « Shadows and Lights, Villeneuvette

2022 Chapel of the Dominicans, Clermont l'Hérault.

2022 « The magical forest » Saint Julien de Montredon Chapel, Salinelles

2023 « Journey of light » Villeneuvette.

2023 La petite Galerie, Villeneuvette.

2023 Mimosart Gallery, Clermont l’Hérault

2024 Galerie Art Actuel  , Beziers.

2024 House of Arts. Canet.

2024 Souvignargues Media Library.

2024 Galerie Lenhardt, Montpellier.

2024 Markgräfler Museum, Müllheim, Germany.

Artistic approach

This journey allowed me to anchor my artistic approach in an expression that is both figurative and abstract. Having worked for several years in screen printing, drawing is for me the inevitable tool of expression for my paintings.

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