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Artiste Painter

Born in France in 1966, Lili Como studied architecture at the EcoleNationale Superieure des Arts Appliquéset Craftsmanship. Shegraduated del'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts in Parisunder the direction desmaitres Viallat C. (medium / surface) and JMAlberola (featuring free). Peintrecoloriste, he moved to Antibesily has ten years has expanded its range of thousandshades. Peinturesréalisées its oil, seem illuminated fromwithin. With unesensibilité exacerbated when the world ofchildhood unfolds in paysagesarchitecturaux singular, it opens thedoors of his world filled with love, humor and harmony. Delafamily of painters colorists (Miro, Klee), artistic expressionintegrated into the current of poetic abstraction (J BazaineBissière, Esteve), to which she adds a very personal tone in theworld with works of poetry and light oùjaillissent . "Thedream world of Lili Como brings a metaphysical dimension deplénitudeunheard. "PatriciaTrojman Doctor of Philosophy, ArtCritic. Relatantsa came in 2000 at an exhibition in Antibes ComoLili Dan MacDowell wrote "Through her work, she continues adialogue between painting andthe color, as subtly as wished JeanDubuffet, demanière that the work remains for herself as forthe spectators, a question and not an answer. "

Artistic approach

Chaque toile est un nouveau défi.

Indépendante des modes et des tendances contemporaines de l'art, je suis à la découverte de mon univers intérieur, persuadée que la quête de cette vérité est la seule réponse positive face aux désordres et à la confusion générale ambiante de notre époque.

Mon travail artistique traduit cet engagement.

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Dilpômée des Beaux Arts de Paris

The artistic work of LILI CÔME

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