Discover the contemporary work of Olivier Picy
2000 DNSEP
Institut d’Arts Visuels, Orléans
Master's degree certified level I of the RNCP
Interactive design, illustration, drawing, cinema/video
1998 DNAT
Institut d’Arts Visuels, Orléans
Graphic design option
Plastic approach, general culture, languages
1996 Bac Pro Arts et Métiers d’Arts
Graphic arts & visual communication
Preparation for visual communication professions
1993 C.A.P. Advertising Design
Graphic Arts School, Montereau
Advertising execution designer
Calligraphy, letter design, layout
When I was a child, two accidents caused two fractures of the skull.
Twenty years later, I flew over a line that unrolled by itself on a support for hours, making curves, straight lines... After a while, a zoom out occurs energetically, and a portrait appears, composed of several drawings. My mind tries to analyze each part, but it is suddenly sucked upwards, and I find myself lying down on a hospital bed.
Since a brain operation, these drawings come out naturally as soon as my hand rests on a support.
Cognitive art or cathartic art?
Here is a video transcription of this crisis of absence: