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Louison Baroth
Marseille / France
Artiste Photographer
Louison Baroth

Architect by training and photographer by passion, my professional career has already inspired me. leads towards various horizons. Growing up in Isère, I had always dreamed of to come to Paris and it’s where it is! where I decided to go and study architecture abroad 17 years. These years of study only developed my attraction to all forms of art and the freedom of life. of expression that they brought. My diploma in hand and after a year at work. work Paris, the call of adventure led me to Cambodia. This is where it is. low that my desire to capture suspended moments developed and where my device started à become my inseparable companion. I had the need to remember the indescribable experiences and encounters I was experiencing. Back in France, it’s up to you to get back to France. Marseille that I decided to visit to put down my bags and it is here that my passion for photography continues to mutate and intensify.

Artistic approach

It’s in losing yourself that you find yourself. This is what I have always been taught, so it is with this postulate that I have always wanted to work. to go and see what was happening elsewhere, far from my bearings, to see how the other lived elsewhere. the other side of the world and understand what I could remember for here.

Through a photographic series, I wanted to capture moments of everyday life in suspense, from various parts of the world and cultures. Highlight human beings in their everyday lives, in their environment, their outfit, their why?

First of all in Southeast Asia whereù where I lived and where I was able to understand the importance of taking time, a notion so dear to the Cambodians and who passed on to me their gift of understanding life step by step. not. Then to Morocco, where I traveled and where modesty and the strength to survive despite extreme climatic conditions cut right through our hearts.

Most of these are spontaneous shots representing individuals surrounded by elements reflecting and defining them. In each of these images I believe I find a part of myself, of my vulnerability, but also some of my strengths. I would like to continue my travels and go to meeting new faces and ways of life.

Finally throughout these journeys, although in different and distant countries, the intention is the same: to survive. Finally, what these portraits express are not our differences but rather our similarities that unite us where that we live.


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