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Mag et Stef
Colombes / France
Artiste Painter
Mag et Stef

Stef and Mag are a creative couple. 4 hands.

These self-taught artists reveal, as they wish, of their inspirations, their desires, passions and feelings, a colorful art.
Their works are a pooling of their personal ideas.
The graphic study is carried out by Stef then the reproduction on the canvas by Mag.
Next comes the coloring carried out either by one or the other, or together, Thus creating, despite their own and different techniques a unit in the final result.
Stef has always drawn in a furtive and instinctive way. Mag enjoyed painting for her own pleasure
A couple in life, they united in life. art.
The The idea of painting with 4 hands came from a desire to share their common passion.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
The artist has not yet entered his path.

The artistic work of Mag et Stef

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