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Montlouis-sur-Loire / France
Artiste Photographer

Since I started the photo in December 2020, I have the strong will to to introduce street photography to as many people as possible, to democratize it (especially so that people stop looking at me badly when I shoot in the street 😄

Photography differs from other forms of artistic expression in only one aspect: it freezes for eternity. a moment caught in a continuous flow of action.

Some people claim that « capture the moment » this is what photography does best, that this know-how must be perfected because certain moments are simply more essential than others, that they make striking, unique photos.

It must be admitted, street photography is not an easy subject.

It’s a rigorous subject that requires observation, anticipation, speed and accuracy. and a bit of luck.

I like to unearth and capture moments of life(s).

Artistic approach

In December 2020 I purchased a Fujifilm XT20 (+XF18-55mm) because I had this need to image my visions; what I observed during my urban walks.

I learned everything via tutorials on the Internet and in books.

Then I had to practice 1 concrete exercise per week with my device.

In April 2021, I launched into street photography with the photo of the cyclist on the yellow bike (Tours).

50% of the time, I spot public spots and I already have them. in mind the final result, how I would like my photo.

I can come back to the same place several times. different times in order to obtain the right light to - for example - have the right shape on my composition.

The other half time, I walk around and shoot what I like: a beautiful background, beautiful architecture, lights/shadows, colors, graphic shapes and a character (or several). 

My settings are made and I deal with what the street offers.

Although street photography is a rigorous subject that requires observation, anticipation, a bit of luck and speed, I practice it while having fun!

My showcase is Instagram (@majuscule89)

I also organized an exhibition in a café of Tours where I sold my 12 framed photos. What pride!

I have just finished my website (www.maximebarillot.com) with my photos and I am preparing my fourth exhibition.

Introduce street photography to everyone Reaching out to people who weren't affected at the beginning is very rewarding.

By Instagram - in particular - it's the same:

That my "work" can reach people the other side of the world is a daily joy!

Discovering other cultures, being part of a community, finding inspiration, sharing, exchanging... these are great sensations.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
Dates clés
Beginnings in street photography
First exhibition at the Flying Serpent (Tours)
Second exhibition at imagesPHOTO (Tours)
Third exhibition, at the Flying Serpent (Tours)

The artistic work of Majuscule

Newly added works

Photo de rue à Paris