Discover the contemporary work of Manel Montañes
À At the age of 15, I started my first brushstrokes with the painter Teixidor at Barcelona, after the years I found myself again. charcoal, pencils and brushes at the Escola de la Dona, and currently I have the tutelage of the painter Josep Cabane, and I specialize in portraiture.
At the age of 15, I began the first couple of brush strokes with the paint Teixidor in Barcelona, after the years I found myself the charcoal, the pencils and the brushes at the Escola de la Dona, and currently I have the tutelage of the painter Josep Cabane, and I specialize in portraits
A los 15 años begané put first brushes with the Teixidor pintor in Barcelona, at the cabo de los años encontré carboncillos, spices and pinches in the Escola de la Dona, and currently hold the tutela of the painter Josep Cabane, and I specialize in retratos
Busco the expressions of people as a source of inspiration. Dando valor a sus miradas, que es en lo que me centro, para diferenciarme.
I look for my source of inspiration in people's expressions. Give value to their look is what I focus on, to differentiate myself.
I look for my source of inspiration in people's expressions. Giving value to their looks, which is what I focus on, to differentiate myself.