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Manfred Neuner
Artiste Painter
Manfred Neuner

Biography and education

Born in Würzburg

Trained with various renowned artists in Würzburg (Renate Jung, Hugo

Durchholz, Winfried Henkel and others)

European Academy of Fine Arts, Trier

Bad Reichenhall Art Academy

Member of the artist circle cameo in Würzburg

Lives and works in Würzburg

Study trips to Italy, Iceland and Turkey (residence in Istanbul from 1988 to 1992)

Continuing education and self-study

Works mainly in pastel and oil

Numerous private and public purchases

Artistic approach

My thematic focus is landscape painting - the artistic exploration of the interplay of landscape, water and clouds. The changeability of every field of tension in terms of color, form and dominance, depending on the time of day or year, i.e. the changing relationship to one another, are the basic pattern for the choice of my motifs. The color gradient, the mysteriousness of the color compositions and the flow of the colors play a central role for me. 

My pictures approach the traditional art movement of representational painting. Study trips, sketches and photos evoke associations, memories and provide inspiration. Most of my pictures do not show real locations, but rather freely conceived fictional landscapes and color spaces with symbolic meaning that can still be located.

My pictures are either painted with oil and egg tempera on canvas or with pastel chalk on various painting surfaces (velvet paper, ink paper, grainy cardboard). The image formats are mainly 50x60cm, 60x80cm and 80x100cm. The pastels are without a passepartout, not fixed and behind glass to protect the sensitive colors.

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The artistic work of Manfred Neuner

Newly added works

Landscape - oil+pastel