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Marcel Delcroix
Artiste Painter
Marcel Delcroix


Marcel DELCROIX was born; on September 1, 1947 at Calais.

He Practices painting at agrave; oil, drawing ink and watercolor.

Classically trained, after having followed evening courses at at the Calais School of Applied Arts, from 1962 to 1962. 1966, (advertising painting).

He practices advertising painting and hand-painted lettering. the Raoul BAERT workshop at Calais. he left this profession for military service on January 1, 1967, upon returning in April 1968, another professional life began. In fact, he became a truck driver and continued to do so. paint as an amateur and takes advantage of trips to capture some landscapes in photographs or sketches. Since that time there has always been a work in progress. For him, painting or drawing is a relaxation, a relaxation, he says he does not think about it. nothing other than’ the work on which the eyes and the mind are riveted. Drawing Ink and wash have taken a more important part for several years in his activity, they require greater precision and error is not allowed, the pleasure is to advance little by little. small and achieving the desired result, it's a question of patience!

Admitted to the Calaisis Artistic Group in 1985, vice-president in 1987, he has been its president since 1988. this association allows him to be in contact with other artists and also with ;exchanging ideas, techniques and tips, they allow me to improve, he says.

Website: galerie-creation.com/marcel_del-47
E-mail: [hidden for your safety]

Artistic approach

It's above all the reciprocal sharing of know-how between artists during trade fairs or exhibitions, having fun and pleasing the public

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