Discover the contemporary work of Marie-Paule Antonucci
A Studied painting and art history at the A. Schweitzer high school in Raincy
with Mr Bernard Capelier and Mrs Fassin
University of Architecture of Paris La Villette
1994 diploma in architecture DPLG with the jury's congratulations
Director of Studies Gustave Massiah
Studying art history in the studio of Philippe Sers (founder of Sers publishing)
Studies stone sculpture in the studio of Johanna Ebertz
Studies engraving and drawing in the studio of Jean Pierre Marchadour
Studies cinema participation in two short films in the studio of F. Marchandeau
Studies architecture in the studio of Roland Castro (architect), Jean Prévéral
(architect), Y. Le Dantec (engineer), Jean Paul Dollé (philosopher), Bernard Patarin
(philosopher, psychoanalyst and thinker)
My work is oriented towards the abstract, I left figurative representation and I try to find in my painting the link with music. I paint while listening to the music that I illustrate even if this way of explaining things does not really please me because can we illustrate music?
No it is a feeling.
My paintings carry (I hope) within them a musical work from which they come because listened to and listened to again.
If someone asks me why my paintings are abstract, I answer that music is essentially abstract, it does not aim to represent reality and quite the opposite.
It is then a pure emotion, specific to each person.
It is in this sense that I wish to make my painting appreciated.