Discover the contemporary work of Marwanart

In my paintings, light is the essence of life, in constant struggle against darkness. Through the effect of chiaroscuro, light becomes the symbol of life. During my childhood in Syria, the coloured rays of sunshine coming into the dark churches made me quiver; this now enriches my work. The coasts of Normandy have pressed me to look for the mystery of life, the horizon beyond the Mont Saint Michel and the sea in Brittany have made me fall in love with the light which has fascinated me since I was a child.The fact that it all happens on a speck of dirst (earth) our paradise in an infinite universe leads me to think permanently about the meaning of life. My whole work: drawings, watercolours, paintings, sculptures express the beauty and the incredible power of the movment of life.
The artistic work of Marwanart
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Dessin au crayon

Terre cuite