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Marie-Hélène Bourquin
Artiste Painter
Marie-Hélène Bourquin

1954: Birth

1976: Diploma in Graphic Designer // DA - ESAG Penninghen
(higher school of graphic arts, Paris)

Professional career: Graphic designer-illustrator in a communications agency,
in printing and freelance, press correspondent,
communications manager and infographic designer in local authorities. Visual painter.

Since childhood, during various workshops, Marie-Héléne Bourquin has been attracted to learning and practicing numerous techniques in plastic arts and so-called "manual" work. : drawing, painting, engraving, modeling, pottery, enamels on copper, basketry, sewing, knitting, jewelry making, painting on silk... In 1972, she returned to work. the Met workshop of Penninghen and Jacques d’Andon (Paris) and continued his studies at at the higher school of graphic arts (ESAG-Penninghen), specialty graphic arts (composition, photography, academic drawing, perspective, packaging, painting, typography, decoration, art history...) and obtained the diploma of graphic designer-designer / artistic director. /p>

In parallel with its activity, professional graphic designer, she practices drawing, painting, photography, digital art... Since 2015, she has shown her work during personal exhibitions, group shows or in galleries. p>

Member of the Artothèque de Touraine http://artothequetouraine.com/marie-helene-bourquin/

Member of the Auray Pays d'Auray association http://artistes-auray.com/

Member of Contemporary Artists https://www.artistescontemporains.org/artistes/mhbourquin/


SIRET 321 890 121 00049

CODE 9003A

MDA C[hidden; for your safety]

Artistic approach

"I have always been attracted by writing, traces, gesture, typography, signs, material effects, the work of color and transparencies, all in a form of “master chance”. ;strié"... "

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Dates clés
Designer-AD diploma

The artistic work of Marie-Hélène Bourquin

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