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Avignon / France
Artiste Photographer

I have an atypical and eclectic background, with a strong artistic inclination. Today a psychotherapist in Avignon, I was first composer of music for image and theater, sound engineer for television (CAPA, Canal+, the show Strip-tease), director of documentaries, photographer and teacher.

Photography, like the rest of my artistic activities that I continue to practice, is a passion that perfectly complements my activity psychotherapist. In both cases, my fields of exploration are emotions. Just like for my patients, they influence my way of being in the world and of seeing the world.

The multiplicity of my activities means that they enrich each other because they are all interconnected. What do they have in common? My curiosity and my great interest for humans. Psychotherapist, photographer and director, I move from my psychologist's office to the image (animated or still), multiplying the projects as well as the most varied experiences. I approach all my visual projects with the same intensity, each time appealing to my sensitivity as well as my sincerity. My reports, in video as in photo, are built on the long term. My curiosity to grasp the richness and variety of people leads me to immerse myself in their daily lives and to discover their environment.

Artistic approach

My style has evolved considerably over the years. My first works were influenced by figuration and then moved towards more abstract styles. I then developed a poetic visual universe, sometimes offbeat and dreamlike, very particular. A polymorphic photographer, my field of artistic exploration is then larger, my imagination limitless, even unbridled. My singular and multiple experiences lead me into a euphoria where my field of possibilities is infinite.

I'm not looking for the perfect image, I'm suggesting experiments aesthetic or existential and thus allows the field of the imagination to unfold in complete freedom. I seek to grasp and convey an atmosphere.

This bias guides my photographic outlook and nourishes many of my works. Also, the exhibition constitutes a primordial vector allowing the presentation of my photos to the public, encouraging the exchange and the confrontation of points of view. Sometimes even, a multimedia installation that offers a total immersion experience, visual and sound seems to me the only possible choice, like the one made for the 54th Rencontres de la Photographie d'Arles-2023.

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The artistic work of MICHEL AKRICH

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