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Bourdelles / France
Artiste Painter


     Born in 1973 he obtained his diploma in 1998 from the Cordenons Art Institute (IT).
In 2002, after a brief creative wandering, touching on several artistic disciplines (creation of frescoes, symposium of sculptures and paintings, comics, illustrations and even singer in a rock music group), he arrives at Paris, in search of new experiences.

  His work is an interaction between the edifying action of the material and the erasure of the same, through unorthodox tools: plasterer spatulas, plexiglass plates, cutting knives. painter but also brushes.
It thus symbolizes the dynamics of the balances of pictorial Chaos within a natural, material, chromatic and structural aesthetic; an eternal questioning, not of why but of how.
The anthropophagic theme is often the pretext for a visceral and spontaneous doubt, totally consistent with the brutal values of being in survival.

        “ We are a system trying, as best we can, to survive. »

  The choice of abstract language is dictated by by a very simple observation: the interest in Art is not the support or the technique, the material or the medium used, but what is found in the middle, between the void and the products that will overwhelm it.

  In 2005, with the presentation of his work, he created Sliding Painting: It is the sliding of tools loaded with material which leave a trace, the trace of man
(the support is the field on which the palette is composed and gives life to an embryonic composition “in the making”.

 In 2006, Dermatism was born, a definition with which he theorized his approach.

Artistic approach

Dermatism and CHAOS

My journey is a particular journey, by analogy a classic artistic journey but still particular, because the germ of art is only partial. Living in an environment detached from aesthetic concerns was rather painful but full of inspiration. The fact of having experienced a harsh childhood, match to match, « things are like that and period! », had something very virile, in the sense of the very true. To survive, you had to act, without hesitation! The fascination I developed for « How » has always excluded the « Why?, because inevitably my instinct was towards survival, movement. It is therefore with this in mind that I plunged into what I called Dermatism, the fact of interacting with the knowledge of the techniques of the realizations allowed me to see things from an empirical point of view, of action and reaction to then achieve the univocal gesture of power and, in the gesture, composition. Dermatism, because all this for me is only possible through epidermal violence, those that life itself has inflicted on me. Rage? Virulence? Scream? No. Beauty! Beauty everywhere, even in ugliness. It moves, it hits, it always amazes me, this perpetual game that takes place between me and the canvas, always leaving the mystery hovering over what Chaos has in store for us.

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