Discover the contemporary work of Mich'le

I was born in the Paris region, influenced by my stylist mother who painted. I was rocked since my early childhood by drawing and visits to museums. During my professional career, I am never far from painting, brushes and pencil. As a manager in a hospital establishment, I actively participated in an annual exhibition of creative arts, sculptures and paintings. "Our caregivers have talent" A moment of sharing, a highlighting of creativity of our doctors and staff within the hospital. Later in EHPAD I organized art therapy sessions by a professional for residents and families, recreating a bond often broken with the elderly.
When I retired I settled in the Pyrénées Orientales, inspired by the light and color of this beautiful region, painting became obvious and a new artistic expression of freedom. Self-taught, I learned empirically what always makes me more curious. The pleasure of doing, of trying different techniques, of discovering and confronting difficulties to always improve. Always looking for new themes, I like to work the textures on my canvases "tissue paper, sand fabrics, structure paste. This refers to a “material” effect A mixed combination combining relief and harmony of colors. Acrylic paint corresponds to my taste for colors and inks for their transparencies. Because a painting only lives through the one who looks at it, delivering to the spectator the message that he wants to see there which can be different from mine. Because the essential is in sharing.