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Miguel Ángel Núñez
Alcoy / France
Artiste Painter
Miguel Ángel Núñez

Born in Maldonado, Eastern Republic of Uruguay, on December 21, 1966.

  • From my childhood to my studies at the height of the painter Manolo Lima.
  • 1985 to 1994 with teacher Carlos Tonelli at the Municipal School of Plastic and Visual Arts of Maldonado  ;
  • Art History with the master Miguel Battegazore.
  • 2001 to 2004 he studied at the National Institute of Art of the Ministry of Education and Culture, under the direction of Gustavo Alamón.
  • 2003 Color workshop in the Plastic Arts with teacher Miguel Battegazore.< /font>
  • 2008-2009 Participates with a scholarship from the ARAUCO foundation at its headquarters in Madrid, à perfection workshops in the field of painting taught by master Guillermo Muñoz Vera.

2018- Monographic workshop on format and color in portraiture. Achievement- Spain, with teacher Jaime Valero Peradones.


In 1996 he joined to the School of Plastic and Visual Arts.

Artistic approach

I am passionate about painting elements that surround us daily, those that apparently lack beauty, I prefer to work from nature, with the model in front of me with which I establish an intimate and deep dialogue. I have based my career on the study of still life, but I have also ventured into portraiture, figure and landscape. I adopted my hyperrealistic technique upon seeing an exhibition of great masters of this language in an exhibition at the Thyssen in Madrid, there for the year 2013.

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