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Miguel Blanes
Artiste Painter
Miguel Blanes

THE EYE OF THE ARCHITECT by Miguel Blanes (1961 - Alcoy/Spain)</font>

How does an architect become a painter? He asked me a journalist, in an interview, last year 2023. I answered That, for me, painting is an artistic liberation, it is a cry and it is a protest, it is a cry of pleasure and pain, which aims to break the bubble of a more hyperregulated and corseted society. ;/font>

The eye, the eyes, the half-eyes that see everything, the eyes that hear everything, the eyes that touch everything, are witnesses of everything we do, sometimes they are ours and other times others... The Architect's Eye is my particular vision of contemporary society through painting, where geometry, perhaps due to professional deformation, is a fundamental element . Sometimes these are Asian geometric figures paired, intertwined and superimposed, creating a complex system of layers and levels that encourage and allow the planes of the painting to interact with each other. with different depths, so that the parts and the whole, and the whole and the parts, complete a whole. On other occasions, they are the infinite spirals that intertwine, as if it were an endless thread, and are responsible for generating flows and dialogues within the figures and parts of the work itself... and it is then that, insistently, without fear or consideration, color appears intuitively; Mexican colors, sometimes applied harmoniously, other times stridently, to establish dissonance and tension. My support, by decision and by my own vocation, cannot be other than paper, “Blank Paper”, as essential material of my artistic and professional existence, and of my only artistic creed, without a doubt, is: ART FOR ART FOR ART!    


Artistic approach

I paint in a self-taught and intuitive way, without fears or restrictions other than my own, with the baggage of a life pursuing Art there Where I went. I admire and love Wassily Kandissky, Joan Miró, Antoni Tápies, Le Corbusier, Mies van del Rhoe and many other great masters. During the presentation of my first exhibition, the painter Manolo Solbes Arjona told me ironically that he had fallen into the arms of POP ART, and I responded: paraphrasing the last scene of Some Like It Hot from the brilliant Billy Wider: " No one is perfect... "


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