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Madrid / Spain

Miguel Oscar Menassa was born in Buenos Aires in 1940. At the age of 18, he enrolled in Medical School and started studying Psychoanalysis. In 1960 he paused his degree to work for the Navy. His first poetry book Pequeñas Historias was published in 1961. In 1963, after the publication of his second book La ciudad se cansa, he travelled to Italy. He stayed in Milan for two years and met Eugenio Montale, Salvatore Quasimodo, Alberto Moravia, Umberto Eco and the president of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society, Cesare Musatti. He returned to Buenos Aires in 1965 and in 1966, he published 22 poemas y la máquina electronic o cómo desesperar a los ejecutivos. He graduated in medicine in 1969. That same year he opened his first poetry workshop. In 1970 he published Los otros tiempos. In 1971 he established the Grupo Cero Scientific and Cultural Movement and composed the first manifesto. In 1974 he funded Grupo Cero’s Editorial and launched the first edition of Grupo Cero’s magazine. In 1975 he published ‘Yo Pecador’ In 1976 he published Psychologia y arte, and soon after, on the 22nd of August, he permanently moved to Spain. In 1977 he published Salto Mortal and in 1978, Canto a nosotros mismos, tambien somos América e Invocaciones With the publication of ¿Perversion? O ¿la muerte de la palabra? Menassa began publishing his work on Psychoanalysis. Grupo Cero will follow his steps in 1979, publishing Ese imposible y Psicoanálisis del líder. That same year Menassa started painting. In 1981 he created Grupo Cero’s Poetry and Psychoanalysis school. In 1982 he created his first art exposition. To this date, he has created a total of 35 expositions which go as follow: Madrid: 13 in Momgallery; 1 in Entreacto; 1 in Casa de la Cultura de Arganda del Rey; 1 in Librería Española – Galería de arte; 1 in Casa del Poeta in Arganda del Rey;1 in the Centro cultural Galileo, 1 in the hotel Ciudad Vitoria; 1 in Ámbito Cultural de Málaga, 1 in La Sala Auditorio Juaquín Rodrigo in Las Rozas. Finally, in Alcalá de Henares: 1 in Café Metrópoli, 1 in Sala Manolo Revilla, 1 in Casa de Cantábria. Buenos Aires: 5 in Grupo Cero; 1 in Librería- Galería Ámbito; 1 in Casa de la Rioja; 1 in Hotel Colón; 1 in Maldito Salvador; 1 in the Centro Cultural General San Martín Tel Aviv: 1 in Ali Oli From 1984 until today he has published: Poetry: 1984: El amor existe y la libertad 1987: Un argentino en España 1987 Poemas y cartas a mi amante loca, joven, poeta, psicoanalista 1988 El verdadero viaje 1991 La patria del poeta 1991 La murga del solo. La guerra del Golfo 1995 Amores perdidos 1997 Las 2001 noches. Poesía, aforismos, frescores 2000 La poesía y yo 2001 Llantos del exilio 2002 Al sur de Europa 2003 La mujer y yo 2005 El hombre y yo 2007 La maestría y yo 2008 Aforismos y Decires [1958-2008] 2010 Canciones [2003-2004] 2011 Carnaval de la Tercera Edad 2011 Poética del exilio 2015 Notas Diálogos Redes Sociales, Flamenco, Tango y Poesía 2016 La muerte del carnaval 2016 Escritos del amor. Psychoanalysis: 1983 El oficio de morir 1987 Freud y Lacan -hablados- 1 1994 Psicoanálisis del amor 1995 Siete conferencias de Psicoanálisis en La Habana, Cuba 1995 Poesía y Psicoanálisis. 1971-1991 20 años de la historia del Grupo Cero 1999 Charlas-coloquio con Miguel Oscar Menassa en Buenos Aires 2000 Freud y Lacan –hablados- 2 2011 Los secretos de un psicoanalista 2013 Freud y Lacan -hablados- 3 2013 Freud y Lacan -hablados- 4 2014 Freud y Lacan -hablados- 5, Freud y Lacan -hablados- 6. Narrative 1989 No ve la rosa 1999 El sexo del amor 2000 El indio del Jarama. 1992/1997 Editorials 2000 Poeta condenado 2001 Cartas a mi mujer 2001 Monólogo entre la vaca y el moribundo 2010 Los papelitos del estado de ánimo 2011 La Bella de Día y Jesús 2011 Tu cuerpo es el amor All of the books have been published by the Editorial Grupo Cero (www.editorialgrupocero.com) except for Los Otros tiempos (Ed. Caldén) and El Oficio de morir (Ed. Biblioteca Nueva) In 2003 he started writing music lyrics. In 2005 he started his cinema projects, creating over 20 shorts and 5 movies; Infidelidad (2007), Mi única familia (2008), En defensa propia (2012), La invitación del Presidente (2013), El medicamento (2014). In 2011 the poetry and flamenco performances ‘Ahora andarán diciendo’ and ‘El verdadero viaje’ were released, developing into the Tango, Flamenco and Poetry show ‘Soy el Cantor’ in 2016. On the same year he released his first music album ‘Al Sur the Europa’ which gathered all the songs from the show. Finally, he coordinates and manages the journals Las 2001 Noches, the Poetry Magazine and Extensión Universitaria revista de psicoanálisis (both available online only from the 100th publication), Indio Gris (online weekly magazine) and Realismo Psíquico, a poetry and psychoanalysis magazine. He is also the director of the Psychoanalysis and Poetry school Grupo Cero.

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