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Nadine Fayad Comair
Nice / France
Artiste Painter
Nadine Fayad Comair

Born in Beirut, Nadine Fayad Comair is a Franco-Lebanese artist based in Beirut. Nice, on the Côte d’Azur. From a young age, art was his passion. It was in 1991 that she obtained her graduate diploma in Plastic Arts from the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts ALBA with honors from the jury, before going to the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts ALBA. Paris where she joined the University. of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne.

In 1992, parallel to his artistic career, where she exposes to; Beirut, Paris and in the Arab world, Nadine Fayad Comair begins to reporting for several major French-speaking publications in Lebanon, before creating Focus Magazine in 2006 and Facelook Mag in 2010.

Having worked for many years in the press, she has taken up her brushes since she lived in Paris. Nice in 2020. Beauty landscapes and this omnipresent light inspire him again to express himself on the canvas. When words fail, she says, color takes their place to fight against time, express one's feelings and give free rein to one's ideas. his imagination. Acrylic and mixed media are his favorite techniques.

With an abstract brush which nevertheless seems not to be detached from reality, the artist paints the marine world, sailboats, but also cities, characters... A certain state of mind which suggests to us an invitation to travel and to explore. escape, bathing in swirls of colors as if to put together pieces of shattered dreams. A painting that calls upon imagination, but above all sensations, while keeping this joyful spirit despite the situation. and against everything, as a challenge to get back up while maintaining hope.

Nadine Fayad Comair succeeded in create in a purely artistic language impregnated with originality, creativity, shapes, lines, subtle contrasts and harmonious colors, a world with flamboyant horizons which is part of its reality. The artist has a sensitivity to nature. very strong chromaticity where the shades of color are constantly in vibration. Blue and light undeniably dominate his palette and are reflected in his work. through his love for the sea and travel.

His works appear in several private collections and have, among other things, been exhibited exhibited in several galleries around the world. Paris, Nice, Beirut, the Middle East and the United States. A revealing universe of an artist who has not said her last word.


Artistic approach

Nadine Fayad Comair varies the themes and materials to talk about escape, dreams, love, travel and freedom, but above all and with great subtlety, about sound Native Lebanon and the Côte d’Azur that she loves so much. With immense and loving care, the artist paints the marine world, cities, characters, realities seen and felt which penetrate intimately into his mind and are reflected in his mind. through his work in swirls of colors.

The landscapes and visions that she translates belong to the a world that is never detached from itself of reality. She also succeeded in achieving this goal. create in a purely plastic language imbued with art. originality, subtle contrasts and harmonious colors, a world with flamboyant horizons which is part of his life. So many attempts to put back together the pieces of dreams shattered at the same time. through high-level painting that calls upon imagination, but above all sensations, while keeping this joyful spirit despite the situation. and against everything and this challenge of getting back up while keeping hope.

It is undeniable that the artist has a sensitivity to nature. very strong chromaticity in which the shades of color are constantly in vibration. Blue and light largely dominate his palette and come from his love for the sea and travel but also from his childhood memories.

Nadine Fayad Comair is convinced that all good painting remains independent of any movement, of any school and above all requires a state of grace in the artist and certain relationships of affinity with each other. between him and the themes covered. Having worked for many years in the press, when words were lacking for it, color took their place to transmit messages, express feelings and give free rein to ideas. his imagination.

An absolute love of freedom and an extraordinary creative spirit define the artist’s universe, in parallel with the real world that she would like to make more beautiful and more human in the future. his way.


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