Discover the contemporary work of NaSir

Born in 1960, I am a happy family man and grandfather. My faith as a Bible-believing Christian shapes my view of the world and my being.
I originally worked as a health and nursing assistant, specializing in skin and wound management. After a burnout in 2013, I had to reorient myself professionally. During this time, I met the artist Reinhard Carl Failer, who became my mentor and friend. Through him, I discovered the fascinating world of art.
At his side, I learned about the different facets of being an artist - from working in the studio to selling to organizing exhibitions. Reinhard gave me a deep understanding of the artistic craft, especially abstract painting.
Although I have not completed a classical art education, I developed my own style through years of practice. Since 2018 I have devoted myself intensively to abstract painting with acrylic on canvas.
In my art I try to capture life in all its fullness - chaotic and lively, fleeting and yet full of hope.
My pictures are created by playing with colors, shapes and different techniques. Three-dimensional structures play a special role.
I am inspired by the complexity and beauty of life: spatial depth, life energy, movement, the variety of colors and shapes, the cycle of becoming and passing away. My works reflect the lightness of joy and the depths of pain - the entire spectrum of human existence.
With my works I want to bring joy of life and positive impulses into the room. But they can also reflect the abysses of existence and symbolize the hope for a new beginning.
The artistic work of NaSir
Newly added works
Pulse of life
Encounters in the Depth of Life