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Blanes (Girona) / Spain
Artiste Painter



Born on 03/16/1958 in Barcelona. Graduate in Criminology and with studies in Architecture and

Psychology, at the Universities of UB (Bcn), Polytechnic (Bcn) and UDG (Girona).

www.orench-francesc.com / Instagram: francescorench / [hidden for your safety]

His relationship with artistic painting comes from a very young age, in the 70s, after making

different stays in Ibiza. It was during that journey that he woke up. his creative part and

artistic, giving way to a completely self-taught training in oil painting. Between the years

1976 and 1991, as well as As later from 2008, he has participated in different exhibitions

collective and individual, both in art galleries and in street-level installations and

establishments. He has also carried out projects, posters announcing fairs, parties

majors and relevant events, member of children's painting competition courts, among others.

His versatility has led him to illustrate everything from stories to menu cards for large dinners and

weddings, apart from the paintings. His work is distributed in Blanes, El Prat, Barcelona, San Celoni,

Hostalric, by the Maresme, Lloret de Mar, Olot, Gerona, Figueres, San Francisco (California),

Holland and other places, after having been acquired. Initially inspired by naïf, the

figurism and in the landscaping of houses, streets or marinas, has now come to be carried out

stronger, sincere, free and creative brushstrokes in a foray into the abstract world.

Throughout his artistic career he has participated in forty exhibitions,

individual and collective, both in Blanes, Girona, Olot, Sabadell, El Prat de Llobregat, Figueres,

Celrà, La Junquera, Barcelona, etc.

Orench is aware of different press articles, such as on the back cover of Diario de

Girona, Somos la selva Magazine, different interviews in the Club Vela Blanes magazine, articles from

Blanes City Council, different magazines, Posters in the “Punto día”, among others…

-Acquisition of 1 work: GENERALIDAD DE CATALUÑA, Ministry of the Interior (Remaining on display

in Barcelona city)

-Illustration of the “58 RECVLL LITERARY AWARDS” (2022) and its magazine RECVLL.es from UB (Bcn), Politécnica (Bcn) and UDG (Girona).

Individual exhibitions:

2024. Individual exhibition “Observant les expressions” Casa Saladrigas, Blanes

2023. Orench Exhibition (June-July) at Tandem Art-Ht Arrahona in Sabadell

2023. Expo. 7 works at the Dolce Vita Restaurant in Blanes

2022. “Tactile Nature” Exhibition Municipal Hall of Blanes

2022. Expo. 12 works in the El Graner and Rouent Restaurants, in Girona

2022. Exhibition of 11 works at the X-Tramp concert, a tribute to Supertramp inBlanes

2022. “Fire Cycle” Exhibition F. Orench in Coffee Art Fontanella XII of Olot

2020. Acquisition of the work “mosa d´ squad (August 17, 2017)” Generalitat de

Catalonia, Ministry of the Interior. (Heritage of the Generalitat, Barcelona)

2020. Exhibitions in different establishments, La Selva region (Girona)

* 2 works, Commissioner Mossos d'Esquadra Blanes

* 3 works, Restaurant “La Gondola” Blanes

4 works, Restaurant “Veracruz” Blanes2019. Exhibitions in different establishments (restaurants, hairdressers, shops,

offices…) of the Selva region (Girona)

* 2 works, Restaurant “Can Castells” Vidreres N-II

* 3 works, “Club de Vela” Restaurant Blanes

* 1 work, Restaurant-Cocktail Bar “Oh la laa” Blanes

* 1 work, Blanes Center Establishment

* 1 work, “Mirall” Hair Salon Blanes

1 work (3 meters) “Comas Inmobiliaria” Blanes-Costa Brava

2018. Individual exhibition "Moments" , F. Orench Municipal Hall in Blanes (Girona)

2017/18. Individual exhibition F. Orench in “Porcus” in the center of Girona

2017. Individual exhibition F. Orench at the Dolce Vita Restaurant in Blanes

2016. Individual exhibition “Artistic painting”, F. Orench in Café Art Fontanella XII of Olot

2016. Exhibition "scenes", Francesc Orench. Municipal Hall, Blanes

2013. F. Orench individual exhibition at the Dolce Vita Restaurant in Blanes

2010. “Two Worlds, Two Visions” Exhibition, F. Orench. Municipal Hall inBlanes

Collective exhibitions:

2024. Collective exhibition “INDIKA” Can Gruart, Vilablareix, Girona

2023: International Collective Exhibition ("12th Anniversary of Art without Borders") Barcelona

2023. "International group exhibition" "A Traços" Caldes d'Estrac(Barcelona)

2023. Group exhibition (August-September) at Tandem Art-Ht Arrahona in Sabadell

2022. Expo. “Art Route in the Shop Windows” in Blanes

2022. Collective exhibition “Mondas de Rêve Can Gruart, Girona

2020. “International Abstract Exhibition” December 2020. Sabadell

2020. “Platonic triangle” (3 artists) Municipal Blanes

2020 Collective exhibition “Breaking the silence” (October) in Figueres

2020 “Autumn Salon” (October) Hotel Arrahona / Tandem Art, Sabadell

2020 Collective exhibition “Breaking the silence” (September) inGirona

2019. Group exhibition "Meeting of Artists" (November) in Girona

2019. Collective exhibition "Meeting of Artists" (September) in Girona

2019. Exhibition “The Route of Art in the Shop Windows”, 3 works by F. Orench, in Blanes

2019. “Art on the Road” 3 works F. Orench. Regional Council of La Selva (Girona)

2019. Collective exhibition “Arts Meeting” (April) in La Junquera (Girona)2019. Collective exhibition “free” in Vilabrareix (Girona)

2019. Collective exhibition “Playing with colors” in Celrà (Girona)

2018-19. Group exhibition "Vision of Dance" in Girona

2017. Group exhibition “Regal Art” (Desem.January) Municipal Chamber - Blanes

2016. “International summer color” exhibition in Tàndem Art Gallery of Sabadell

1991. “IIIª “White Art Exhibition”, Blanes

1989. “IIª “White Art Exhibition”, Blanes

1987. “Exhibition of White Crafts and Art”, Blanes

1985. “Street Art Exhibition” Expo Art 85. El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)

1983. “Seventh Collective Exhibition of Drawing and Painting by Artists”, El Prat de Llob.

1982. “Sixth Collective Exhibition of Drawing and Painting by Pratense Artists”, El Prat

1981. “Collective Exhibition of Drawing and Painting by Pratense Artists”,El Prat de Llob.

1980. “Collective Exhibition of Pratense Artists”,El Prat de Llobregat

1979. “Painting Exhibition: “Local Painters”, Main Festival El Prat de Llobregat


Pablo Santirso (review of REVISTART magazine) (December 2023)

"CO2H" It is a title that may be cryptic for many people who observe this work of

Orench, but those connoisseurs of chemical composition can extract a

message critical of pollution.

The letters and figures in its title can be translated as the chemical nomenclature of acids

carboxylic acids, widely used for the development of pesticides, acetates and plastic polymers. Yes to that

we add the color composition and how the long black drops are distributed as

buildings we are faced with a work of sharp criticism towards the consequences

environmental products produced by large factories.-

Gabriel ANDARES (review of REVISTART magazine) (2023)

Orench deconstructs the concept of landscape as we understand it in painting to develop

works of a more abstract nature, which reduce elements of our environment to their most basic forms

elementals. Although it is true that we can understand his paintings as landscapes from a

technical point of view, the underlying parts are suggested rather than represented

explicit way, which allows you to work on the same sensations that we would develop when seeing a

classical naturalistic painting.

Joseo GARCIA (Tandem Art Gallery) (2023)

Orench is an artist with a broad brushstroke and thick impastoes with great chromatic richness,

developing a thematic variety, combining abstract impressionism with expressionism

figurative. An artistic vision that will not leave you disappointed. indifferent.Sonixe AVNATAMOFF (Journalist and art critic in Paris) (2016)

Make a painting full of life, with brushstrokes full of emotion and expression, with

forcefulness. It is life in movement, emotional displacement. I see in his painting an air of the

Van Gogh's latest creations, especially in the painting “Wheat Field with Crows.” His

trend is abstract impressionism, with strength, vigor and color.”

Joel RISTOL (Painter and art critic) (2020)

“We can observe in his works a great strength and expressiveness in the line and stain, a

form of abstract impressionism where, and although some of the works are preserved forms and

figurative spaces, they give the viewer the freedom to interpret the work and necessarily

see ourselves reflected in it.”

Marina GARCIA y CARBONELL (Art historian) (2020)

“The distinctive mark of Orench's work is the energetic, almost expressionist brushstroke.(…)

Initially inspired by naïf, figurism and the landscaping of houses, streets or marinas, in the

nowadays it has gone on to make stronger, sincere, free and creative strokes in an incursion

in the abstract world.”

Aitor ROGER (Historian, Blanes City Council Archive) (2020)

“Francesc Orench's lines are characterized by being full of energy, vitality and color.

They are made from brushstrokes full of expression, what the author himself likes to call

“abstract impressionism (…)”

Eva PALAU (Communications Blanes City Council) (2018)

(…) Over time his style has evolved naturally, without forcing, going from a

figurist style to abstract impressionism. Essentially self-taught, his

brush strokes are expressive and full of emotions and optimism.”

Josep GIBERT (Bachelor in Philosophy and diploma in library science and documentation)

(Works 2021, 22)

“Perception is never neutral and the events of these days lead us to identify those

red from the box with the confirmation that we are still in the fiery cycle. Likewise, the palettes

Impressionist-style chromatics represent a continuation of the house's trademark style, but

this time only half a frame. The other part could be the sea, with a bottom rich with life still,

but he already has the laundry that, overcoming the cliff, falls over it.

Certainly another viewer can perceive different sensations and create different stories. that

even include the enigmatic floating ball on the seabed!”

“These days we are mediated by the explosions of the Old Hill and its vomiting flows

magmatic that slowly destroys everything in its path.

Francisco has been in a kind of fiery cycle for some time where fire is the protagonist. Here

he continues the cycle, but leaves his technique of impressionist paddles for the rays of the tubes

painting. A mass of milky paint could suggest a kind of animal being that is a

about to be swallowed by the mass of magma. The beast is horrified, but, inevitably,

even the remains of his lint trap, represented by the ropes hanging outside the painting,

they will also soon be consumed by flames.

Action, movement on a single canvas where the chromaticism and drama of fire do


However, he does not stop following


Artistic approach

Observe!, ... shapes, color, light,... stimuli, emotions, feelings,... Express, construct, deconstruct,... with conceptual isolation of observations.

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