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Nîmes / France
Artiste Painter

Coulor is a power, which directly influences the soul, and Prudhomme is very powerful in the use of colours that are animated by his unlimites creativity.

Patrick JL Prudhomme was born in Nice, South of France. His childhood was marked by the sunny Mediterranean, a warmth reflected in the harmony of colours he uses.

Prudhomme has been living abroad for nearly six decades. His wide exposure to different cultures and environments has inspired and influenced his work.

Prudhomme belongs to the school of Modern Art. His paintings coud be classified into two categories, a free style expressing spontaneity and enthusiasm, and a well – defined cubic structure reflecting sharpness ans precission.

Prudhomme lived more than a decade in Asia. Indonesia and China has been for him a large source of inspiration his work is directly influenced by the rich and colourful Asian culture, their philosophie and Art of living.

A collection of his work was exhibited and sold in the famouse Artland gallery, several prestigious hotels, and well known business building in Hong Kong and many more places in China.

Prudhomme lives as well for more than three decades in the Middle East in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, and the Emirates, where he exhibit his work regualty

After spending half a decade in Nord Africa, Prudhomme lived a peacfull retirement in South of France, where is still painting and exhibiting his work.

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Starting to paint regulary

The artistic work of Monarco

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Acrylic and mixed Media