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Pedro Romero
Madrid / Spain
Pedro Romero

I am a young emerging artist who works mainly from a formalist perspective, close to Conceptual Art and the performative medium. I am a graduate of Art History from the Autonomous University of Madrid and have previously worked at the La Caja Negra Gallery. I have also been co-curator of the exhibition “Exposible: an exhibition on potential curatorial projects” organized by the Department of History and Theory of Art of the Autonomous University of Madrid. Currently, I am dedicated to the field of cultural management.

In my artistic facet, I have done both performative work, such as the series of works Palabra Líquida, and studio work, among which pieces such as I am the best artist of all time,  The Demon or the series Huella. My work is characterized by the exploration of the canvas as a plastic medium of creation, in a work marked by the primacy of the idea over the result and the conception of the artistic creation process. as struggle and physical and emotional catharsis.

Artistic approach

I work with and from technical ignorance as an artistic medium, liberating the intrinsic creative capacity of the individual. My project aims to break down the barrier imposed from the academic field between theory and practice, knowledge and elaboration, rebelling against the figure of the art historian limited to the sphere of criticism and contemplation of this.

Thus, I work from reflection always oriented towards a tangible object, towards a materialization of their experience and vision of the world. The variety of my proposals reflects my desire to originate a non-normative production, ignorant of the rules of the correct technical execution of an artistic project, and therefore free of its conceptual limitations. My works tend to focus on sociopsychological violence, its materialization in the field of art, neocapitalist processes of aspiration and social insecurity, and the reconfiguration of the creative sphere as a unitary entity through the rereading and integration of other disciplines and artists, seeking the links and essential ideas of human cultural production.

The ignorant violation of the basic norms of creation can be a key means to recover a sincerity of artistic discourse that allows its reunion with the reality of the individual; Pedro Romero has nothing to offer, except everything that it contains within itself. same.

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Dates clés
Co-curator of the exhibition Exposible: a sample of potential curatorial projects. Department of History and Theory of Art of the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Performance Scars. El Sitio De Mi Recreo Youth Center - Madrid (Spain)
Performance Food for Thought. El Sitio De Mi Recreo Youth Center - Madrid (Spain)
Collective exhibition. La Zona Gallery - Madrid (Spain)
II Art Fair. CUTTOO - Madrid (Spain)
Performance The line. La Zona Gallery - Madrid (Spain)

The artistic work of Pedro Romero

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Identity and time