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PARIS / France
Artiste Photographer

My grandfather was a sculptor, my father a photographer, I walked along the way. in their footsteps by pursuing a career as an architect. I now devote myself exclusively to; writing and teaching photography which results in series up to the exhaustion of a subject, in the manner of Claude Monet with Rouen Cathedral.

Your registration application does not seem suitable for your application. Although this is a correct representation of my work as a whole, it only concerns traditional unique pieces intended for use in art. be sold to the piece, while I devote myself solely to the work. "collections" rather adapted to exhibitions,  "entertainment" fun activities on the sidelines of events, or outside art or popular publications which present them in their entirety.

Artistic approach

I mainly work on series, collections of photographs that must be seen in their entirety. to understand its full impact:

METROMAN or MILLE VISAGES: systematic collection of 112 personal orange cards, retouched and diverted, but all officially validated by the RATP, covering the period from March 1982 to 1982. February 1991. (Which I tried to present a copy in the registration form which only offered one possibility)

IN THE ELEVATOR: systematic collection of 200 self-portraits, photographed over a period of 20 years, with multiple transformations of hairstyles, beards, mustaches, accessories and traces of time passing, under the changing play of the harsh light of the specific vertical lighting of an improvised Studio: my elevator!

CONFINEMENT FIGURES: systematic collection of 96 self-portraits with confinement masks reworked to give them an ambiguous human appearance or worrying, made in 2020 during the Covid period, always taken under the contrasting lighting of the Studio-Ascenseur.

PEARLS OF STREET: collection of 350 photos, taken over the years, over 40 years, mainly highlighting spelling mistakes, or incongruities, of inscriptions on street signs or on signs, on store windows, on restaurant menus or merchant labels, or on any media in public spaces,

EXHAUSTION OF MY PARIS: systematic collection of two times 250 panoramic images 180°, exhausting 2 views of Paris (with the Sacré-Coeur) from my windows during the seasons, times of day and night, and weather and its stunning skies. (Working principle that I am currently extending to seaside landscapes for which the 180° panning transforms rectilinear beaches, or the horizon, into spectacular curves.)

MASKS OF THE CITY: systematic collection of around a hundred photos of scaffolding, temporary structures transforming the facades of city streets evoking the possibility of of a sustainable alternative architecture.



I realize that my work perhaps does not fit into yours, or the proposals that you bring to artists, but perhaps you can tell me ;direct towards contacts (galleries or publishing houses) specialized or interested in the themes COLLECTIONS and/or SELF-PORTRAITS.

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The artistic work of PIERRE EDEIKINS

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