Discover the contemporary work of Janpol PORTALIS
For a long time, Portalis has been fascinated by representing the MOVING LIFE in his artwork. Doing so needs to have a clear view over what is more than a concept or an abstract idea : DYNAMISM. Its essence appears to be reachable by the Reason (as it is logical and real) and sustained by the Imagination (as an artistic view unlogical and unreal). These 2 sides, « figurative » and « abstract ». cannot be separated. No expression is better than the other . They only need to be mixed in quantitative and qualitative manner, in the same time « simple » and « complex ». In that point of view his artwork becomes QUANTUM PAINTINGS, (as quantum physics : a superimposition of the two) ; and COMPLEX, as a mathematical complex number, (a part real a part imaginary). The target being to remain readable overall.DYNAMISM comes from the FUTURISM (refer to the charter of this trend founded in 1909). But it is not the only location : you may find a bit of CUBISM, IMPRESSIONISM or SURREALISM.Watching it closely, the whole Universe is made so ….« Art springs up in the know-how » (Janpol Portalis)