Discover the contemporary work of PRADA

I like to paint. My work expresses my inner self and is attentive to the world around me. I free my imagination from apriorisms, so that the unconscious flows with its semantic richness.
Over the past 4 years, my dedication to the painting was total.
What interests me is innovation to the extent that it is possible. she is able to move. By exhibiting my work, I want to share my individual experience with the viewer, opening windows of knowledge.
I am not indifferent to the problems of my time. All citizens, including artists, have something to offer. bring.
I am concerned through sustainability. Perhaps we are not aware, through small acts, of our immense capacity to act. destructive. The future of the planet is in our hands. I rebel against injustice, inequality, selfishness, xenophobia, bureaucracy, lack of empathy, passivity, commercialism, resignation and materialism.
My explanations:
2023, "Impressions of memory", Exp. ind. C. Multiuses Mercado de Sabarís, Baiona, España
2023, "Colectiva", Captaloona Art, Madrid.
2022, "Mitolog´ias", Singulart, galeríe virtuelle
2022, "Collective", Artboxy.com, galeríe virtuelle
2020, "Desenlaces", Artelista, galeríe virtuelle.
2019, "Figures", Virtual Art Gallery.
The artistic work of PRADA
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