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Nemours / France
Artiste Painter


Christian PRESENT is a Poet-Painter from Vauclin (Commune of Vauclin) born August 27, 1972 in
Martinique (France)
in search of the self in his works prey to the exteriors of human nature that lie dormant in the
dustiest regions of our being and which for some reason, or through poorly
controlled boredom, picks the ripe fruit of wavering thought, on the double-edged sword that is life.
His poetry comes from the shears of being. The matrix of his collections is the human being, in all his
splendor, heroic and sometimes contemptible, lying near the Other, it is also this other pointed at
which sometimes brings us back to our simplest device, oh how hated, our self. The being is
curious according to his different collections already released and his collaborations in the world of Pictorial art, and
" I search a thousand bodies;
A thousand alleys;
Under a thousand street lamps
Of my tender and full moon »
Extract from Saillies – 2014
Œuvres dà published
- At the Bottom of the Corridor: Editions du Panthéon 2012 - Poetry
- Saillies: Editions des vagues - 2014 of the collection - Poetry
- My last Pelée: Edition Edilivre 2015 - Poetry
- Guava Juice: Edition Bod June 2021
- Enjoyer of nothing: Edition Bod January 2022
- Sleep is right, waking up is topical: Bod April 2022
From April 15 to 30, 2016
- Literal participation in the exhibition of the Franco-Ivorian painter, “ Aya Nda “ in the commune
Baie Mahault in Guadeloupe
June 1st – July 10th, 2016
- Literal participation in the exhibition “ Art For Peace ” in Ortona – Italy on canvases by the artist - Painter
Belgian, Christine Verhaert
- Integration of the International artistic movement “ Neutral-Ism ” Multifaceted artistic movement,
naturally eclectic, leads to to bring together the widest range of tendencies, even those that are
opposing, but not for that reason irreconcilable; it expresses and redeems the malaise created by
the intense contemporary incomprehension and the thousands of divergences that arise from the encounter with, or
the forced or spontaneous coexistence of, different cultures. It is based on the vital presence of
http://10denceartprojects.blogspot.nl/2012/01/neutral-ism.html - Member of the sacem
- Contributor for the online magazine Outsideleft
June 2017 - Artists' Residency
Artists' Residency at the Maison Rouge in Fort de France (Martinique) for the setting up of the
dance performance "The crossing and the other" with the Compagnie en marche
November 2017 - 11th French cultural meeting in Granada (Spain)
11th French cultural meeting in Granada (Spain) from November 2 to 15, 2017.

« Octave Mirbeau – 100 years later »

Artist -Painter
1/ Artistic Approach
I have been painting since November 2018
The painter that I have become is the extension of the gesture of the writer The main material, in
which I draw the effervescence of my fingers is the life that boils on the tip of the lips of the earth
There is the moment and its effervescences
And the artist and his insistence on wanting to transcribe one's interiors
There is the nan-nan of the lived experience and its perception of the moment
Here and elsewhere in the firmament of instinctive creation
The poet and the extension of the written word
Sending the unconfessed desire onto a canvas
Educating oneself with the verb to flee,
The artist, and his doubts, his loves, his hesitations, his techniques in the swell of his passion. His desire to
revolt against himself, sprinkles each canvas with his inner dreams. The artist and his outstretched hand.
The atmosphere is dreamlike, the canvas a furious epic, I hold you, you hold me! I am and you are! Who are you under
the swell of a color?
The dance of the brush and the dream with an open heart.
Penetrate the dreamlike ocean!
Breathe this exhibition!
Rebel against your hearsay!
Come! get drunk at wish with your eye-liqueur and face your dreams, your wishes between bursts and
flavors. The artist offers us one of his poignant journeys where your dream lives or crumbles.
"Leave me alone!" he said in a low voice in front of the mirror of his arcana. Don't hesitate! Be a step
sincere to the encounter of an exhibition Entering an exhibition room is having audacity and courage
and an ounce of humanity Light please!
A canvas pierces you like a blade in a ripe fruit. The discussion is started, the self is
pointing the finger twists the body like a sun with secret desires. The tugging is frank, the lines, their
shadows under an emotional brush. The artist and our unfulfilled eyes. An incessant back and forth during the journey
from a canvas to our subconscious.
Yes I live!
But am I crazy enough to trust myself?
I would like to hold your hand to accompany you there, but I trust your audacity. The idea of
your beau will perhaps be proud of you, for having titillated him

January 5, 2019 to January 19, 2019
- EXHIBITION - “ The verb and the gesture “
Klodia Numa Donat and Christian PRESENT Municipal Cultural Office of leisure of Robert -
May 5, 2019 to May 30, 2019
Museum Neutral-Ism in Nereto -
Collective Exhibition of the Neutral-Ism movement

June 8, 2019 to June 22, 2019
100 ECS, 100 rue de Charenton Paris (75012)
Collective Exhibition – Festival of Abolitions
July 21 to August 21, 2019
Alba Adriatica - Italy
Collective Exhibition of the Neutral-Ism movement
2019 – 2021
La rue de l’Art – Artist Association
Annual exhibition at Ferrières en Gatinais (Seine et Marne)
May 6 to 19, 2021
100 ECS, 100 rue de Charenton Paris (75012)
Collective Exhibition – Festival of Abolitions

August 8 to August 19, 2022
NA N-NAN TJÈ (essence of the heart)
Drawing on one's innermost convictions to reveal oneself in the heart of the country
This is the fusion point between the world around us and the paradox of the artist.
Destroying and rebuilding the déjà vu, standing at the mouth of the river in flood,
What will remain after the lull?
Exhibition – DUO with Klodia NUMA at the Rivière Salée media library



May 10 to June 10, 2023

10th edition - Abolitions Festival 2023

100Ecs - Mairie du 12è - Bobigny (Bourse du travail)

Collective Exhibition


2024 - In progress
The street of Art – Artist Association

Annual collective exhibition in Ferrières en Gatinais (Seine et Marne)


From August 5 to 17, 2024

Riviere Salée Media Library

- MATA "Le Passage"

Solo Exhibition

Astasie Mata known as Maguimbi,

A Congolese worker. Another part of forgotten history, forced immigration.

In March 1857, the French government signed a treaty with

"La Maison Régis de Marseille" for the recruitment and sending of free African individuals to Guadeloupe and Martinique to work there.

Artistic approach

Light please

Self-taught, multidisciplinary artist from Martinique,

Emergency is the main subject

The subject is,  

Sense and needs 

The cry-world is.

There is the moment  and the insistence

Transcribe the cellular bubbling..

Experience and perception 

The here and elsewhere,

Create instinct.

Pour on a canvas, the unconfessed desire

Educate yourself with the verb to flee,

The artist, and his doubts, his loves, his hesitations, his techniques in the swell of his passion.

The desire to revolt against oneself, sprinkles each canvas with its inner forces.

The artist and his outstretched hand.

The canvas, a furious epic,

I hold you, you hold me! I am and you are! Who are you under the swell of a color?

The dance of the brush, the sweat of matter

And being is open-hearted.



Rebel against your hearsay!

Come and get drunk as you wish with your œil-liqueur and face your mirror!

Your wishes, between flashes and flavors.

An offering, a journey where your being lives and crumbles.

To enter an exhibition room is to have audacity and courage and an ounce of humanity

Light please!

A work pierces you like a blade in a ripe fruit. The discussion is engaged, the self is pointed at, the body twists like a sun with secret desires.

The tug is frank, the lines, their shadows under an emotional brush. The artist and our unsatisfied eyes.

A constant back and forth during the journey from the work to our subconscious.

Yes I live!

But am I crazy enough,

to trust myself?

I would like to hold your hand to accompany you there, but I trust your audacity to titillate your essence.

           Christian PRESENT

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Dates clés
Self-taught painter

The artistic work of PRESENT

Newly added works
