Discover the contemporary work of DE L'ISME
Temporal artist
Higher musical studies at Marseille (M Prévost) Paris (M Bitsh) Geneva (A F Marescotti J Guyonnet) and exchanges shared with painters such as Amédée Pianfetti Komatis or Danetis with whom I worked -
some key dates:
1966-7O Environment Biennale Paris 1967 (Musée Art Moderne), architects' show 1969 (MAM), unconditioning airlock 1969 (Sacred Art MAM), playful environment 1970 (Grand Palais ) SalonArtDeco
conductor Haute Provence Chamber Orchestra
video productions and happenings (international plastic arts congress of Sèvres
photocopies and temporal sculptures: Past/Mirror Present/Opacity Future/Transparency
Windshields Nernier 1980
SOUND/WORD multi media performance MJC du Temple Geneve
Evolving ice sculpture Biennale Annemasse
INX/TERIEUR Exhibition Thonon
EXPO GAPEAU sound sculptures
Art and suffering psychiatry conference BELGENTIER
Centenary of cinema Command THE GUARD: " Heaps of beautiful eyes " sculpture and environment (G&eac;rard Philippe room)
1997 INSTANT ZERO perf happening show multi media expo (the Laboratory MARSEILLE)
2000 Wheel of Time expo villa Tamaris LA SEYNE until this day I continue my journey to
REVEST (the COMONI) LA SEYNE from my exhibition/boutique TOULON (perf place du GLOBE)
Lecomte-Durouil Gallery Raymond SELMI Expo
MOUANS EN SARTHOUX sculptures Caillenco Park
- a kaleïdoscopic universe, of unpredictability, of non-series, a universe of apax, of a multi-media artist who applies his synesthetic experiences of the various vibrational states of the world, in the quest (constantly deepened and repeated) for knowledge superior, beyond language, embodied in a kind of beauty of the invocation -