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Réjane LeChat
Sale price :
12 000 EUR
Delivery included by the artist
Unique work
Date of creation

The sculpture

Sculpture is one of the most diverse, fascinating and varied art forms in Western art. From the gigantic sculpted pieces of ancient Greece to the abstract sculptures of contemporary art, from the figurines of prehistoric civilizations to the kinetic sculptures of the 20th century, this art is as diverse as it is intriguing. 4

Sculptural art began in the Upper Paleolithic with a small figure known as the Löwenmensch. It is considered to be over 40,000 years old. Sculpture can be made with most 3D modular materials. Here are the four main procedures of this art over the centuries: rock cutting, wood carving, metal sculpture casting and ceramic modulation.

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Bronze sculpture

To know everything about bronze sculpture

Antique or contemporary, bronze sculpture fascinates the observer. It is one of the few art mediums whose basic techniques have not changed over time.

A little history…

The technique of making a model sculpture in clay, plaster or wax before pouring the bronze into a mold dates back as far as the third millennium BC. Since ancient times, many sculpting artists have made bronze statues of different sizes. Often they represented heroic warriors (full-length or bust), characters from mythology, sometimes accompanied by an animal (horse, dog, bird, etc.).

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Human, Nature
W. 60 x L. 99 x D. 45 cm
Work signed by the artist
Certificate of authenticity
Les demoiselles de brume est une sculpture en bronze, patiné, ici avec une dominante de vert sur une base en acier brossé et vernis. Elle se compose de trois pièces distinctes, ce qui permet de "jouer" avec l'espace entre elles la plus grande mesure 99cm, la moyenne mesure91 cm et la plus petite mesure 82 cm, les bases sont identique, 15 cm de hauteur sur une plaque de 15cm / 20 cm Elle évoquent, par leur texture le minéral, l'écorce et à la fois, par la forme et le mouvement, quelque chose de plus léger et d'évanescent, la brume
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The artistic work of Réjane LeChat

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