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Rêve d'Argile Création
RACHES / France
Artiste Sculptor
Rêve d'Argile Création

Self-taught sculptor, I began to work on sculpting and modeling the earth in 2011. Since then it has become a passion. In 2016, I created my workshop "Dream of Clay Creation" à Râches 59194 near Douai.

From my job as a nursery school teacher from which I retired, I have kept my skills. the taste of transmission. So I get involved in artistic projects at the same time. demand from schools, but also for “clay modeling” activities. in certain media libraries, or demonstrations during or during artistic events, fairs or exhibitions.

You can find me on Facebook and Instragram by typing Rêve d'Argile C&eac;ation.

I am an Artist-Author, my SIRET number: 823 284 880 000 15

Artistic approach

What I like to model are faces, expressions, looks. It's a real pleasure to sculpt and model a face. My statuettes represent couples, families, characters. There, it is the attitudes of the characters that interest me, and what we feel when looking at them: the tenderness, the gentleness, the reverie, the poetry of the moment. What I also really like are the animal sculptures, because with them too, it's the look and the look, the majesty of the animal. that I am interested in making people feel the one who looks at them.

I sculpt as desired. of my desires, of my feelings of the moment, I use different materials such as earthenware, chamotte sandstone, etc. or smooth, in different colors. When the object is fired, I either patina it, wax it or leave it raw. Sometimes I enamell my raku sculptures.

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The artistic work of Rêve d'Argile Création

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Busts and Faces