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Sabine Grimm
Pessac / France
Artiste Sculptor
Sabine Grimm

Sabine GRIMM was born in 1970 in Brittany between Forest and Ocean.

Graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris, she then worked as a Research and Development engineer in a large group in the cosmetics industry. But the Forest of his childhood calls to him more and more and in 2020, it's the big leap! She will finally flourish in her passion for Nature and Art through the creation of dreamlike root sculptures.

Autodidact in the world of Art, his work is organized around the exploration of the concept of paridolia, this ability that we have to project known forms into the unknown, for example "recognize" a dragon in a cloud, or... a fantastic creature in a root! This "power" is in fact one of the keys to the evolution of Man: being able to discern in a dense, "cluttered" environment, silhouettes of prey, predators, Friendly or enemy faces made a real difference in terms of survival! Today, this aptitude that we all have within us to develop. a degree more or less developed serves more purpose dream that survive... But that said, isn't dreaming a question of survival?

When cleaning these roots, they gradually reveal themselves. few imaginary creatures, which Sabine GRIMM attempts to highlight through sculpture. Their relatively raw appearance is intentional, it focuses on stay as close as possible to what Nature has produced, sobriety or exuberance. Its goal is to sublimate its richness and beauty, to magnify these pure forms. Sabine also likes the idea of "saving" these magnificent pieces which would otherwise be condemned to destruction. oblivion!

Sabine GRIMM loves to introduce people to her world, she also organizes workshops during which she takes participants into the forest to explore. searching for their "perfect root", then helping them to grow. bring it to life through sculpture! She was also a student. the guest of the show "Silence Ça Pousse" on France 5 to talk about his work.

In front of one of his sculptures, the spectator is invited; à let your imagination run wild to invent your own personal creature! Sabine's mission: to awaken your right brain, your imagination and your inner child, the one who saw dragons in the clouds!!!

VERY IMPORTANT: no plants have been damaged. torn or damaged for the production of these works.




Artistic approach

Autodidact in the world of Art, Sabine Grimm's work is organized around the exploration of the concept of paridolia, this ability to that we have to project known forms into the unknown, for example "recognize" a dragon in a cloud, or... a fantastic creature in a root! This "power" is in fact one of the keys to the evolution of Man: being able to discern in a dense, "cluttered" environment, silhouettes of prey, predators, Friendly or enemy faces made a real difference in terms of survival! Today, this aptitude that we all have within us to develop. a degree more or less developed serves more purpose dream that survive... But that said, isn't dreaming a question of survival?

Sabine's goal: to awaken through the Magic of sculpture and pareidolia your inner child, the one who saw dragons in the clouds! And draw you into a world where Nature and Imagination come together!

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