Discover the contemporary work of Sarcie

Born in 69 in a family with great artistic sentibility, my studies are in high technology. But for me, in a very short time, both (art and technology) keep close. 1982-1986 : As a teenager, I start making my own costume jewellery because nothing enjoy me in the stores. I receave my first real camera (a 24x36 reflex) and I’m begginnig the shooting (monuments, landscapes…). Some years later, at school, a teacher of French, asks the pupils to make a poem. A revelation for me ! Since then, I’ve wrote around 15 ones. 1994-1999 : thanks to a little drilling machine, I sculpt coconut wood. I also manufacture items for decoration, fashion accessories (fetish style) and also gothik style jewels. 2000-2005 : I atted my first lessons of sculpture. Later, I learn to cut steatite (a chalky stone) and bronze (molten wax tehnical). As soon as I buy a numerical camera I beggin the touching up with Photoshop. Since 2001, appearance to exhibitions, creations in bond in stores, private sales.Costume jewellery, photo, items for decoration, fashion accessories : self-taughtSculpture : in lessons at La Clef (Saint Germain en Laye - 78)
The artistic work of Sarcie
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Photos Paris

Sculptures pierre

Sculptures terre cuite
Photos France

Photos ciel
Photo Portrait