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Artiste Painter

I am a simple Lebanese woman, born in West Africa (Sierra Leone). I am 30 years old, I grew up in Benin (the country where we immigrated because of the war) and I currently live in Lebanon. My school career was too overloaded (classes from 7am to 7pm) to the point where I did not find time for my passion for art. But where there is a will, there is a way. So I would sometimes stay up to draw and I would sleep 2 to 3 hours and then get ready for school.

I am married now and thank God I finally have a stable, healthy and simple life. Nothing better to paint with love and serenity.

Artistic approach

First of all in Africa in the past there was not this wide variety of painting materials (until now) as in European countries. So at 9 years old already I was looking for fabrics and wooden frames thrown away by my mother and I made the canvas myself. My first painting was a small angel statue to pose in our living room. Despite the efforts of my mother as soon as she was impressed by my talent I only had quality materials at at the age of 18 (by a friend of my sister who was returning from France). So I went through water painting for children then dry pastel then oil painting.

In 2019 I opened an art studio where I gave lessons but it caught fire one day. But also in 2023, the year of my marriage, while moving my equipment disappeared and there I lost the taste for painting. It was only in 2024 that I tried to rekindle the desire to draw in me and start again 0 for a 2nd time.

Dates clés
2004- first painting made by myself

The artistic work of Sawsan.z.art

Newly added works
