Discover the contemporary work of Ferenc SEBöK
Artist painter and composer of classical music, Ferenc SEBÖK'spaintings are full of symbolism. His artwork is recognized in many countries through his Tracing boards and other masonic art. We won several international prizes in different countries, as well as in painting and music. For instance : Rembrandt international grand Prix 2010, Leonardo Da Vinci Award 2009, Pïeter Paul Rubens Grand Prix 2009, 2ème Grand Prix international Regards 2008, Cockerill Prize 1978, Phoenix Works Award 1977.He also obtained the Martin Luther King Human Rights Award 2009.Music awards : Song Expo international Festival 2001, 2002 and 2003.His paintings are in private collections and some museums.His artwork is mentioned in several significative fineart books.Please visit his Art by clicking websites above.