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Silke Caspari
Essen / Germany
Artiste Painter
Silke Caspari

I am Silke Caspari, born in 1970, from Essen.
At the moment I am mainly working with acrylic and watercolor painting.

In my late teens and early twenties I was already drawing a lot and also tried my hand at acrylic painting. Then everyday life pushed my creativity into the background, so that I buried this part of myself for almost three decades.

But now is my time and I am letting my creativity run free again. I am self-taught and let the experiences that have accompanied my life flow into all my pictures. Therefore, every picture is very personal and a part of me.

But the best thing about it, besides making them, is showing them to the world. I like to take part in markets with my pictures or exhibit them in public spaces in order to get in touch with interested parties and to exchange ideas with them personally. Experiencing that my pictures can deeply touch their viewers is the most beautiful thing for me.

I am also deeply grateful for the incredibly friendly feedback I receive from my community, be it on Instagram, Facebook, Google or in person.

I hope for an interesting and inspiring exchange with artists and art lovers from all over the world. 

Artistic approach

Since March 2022 I have been intensively involved in acrylic painting. I am self-taught and therefore I like to experiment with different media and techniques. 

My acrylic paintings are exclusively abstract, expressive through intense colors.

Dates clés
Intensive engagement with acrylic painting

The artistic work of Silke Caspari

Newly added works

My acrylic paintings