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Perreux-sur-Marne / France
Artiste Painter




It' It all started in 1989, I was 12 years old.

I was then lonely and silent, far too silent. I couldn't figure out what to do. express myself or orally or writes it. But nothing could escape me: I observed.

I was attracted to by the rhythm and the brilliant atmosphere of the street. In search of my limits, I searched for à create an identity for myself. The street belonged to me, the metro too through the graffiti written on all possible supports. I was marking my territory. My quest for aesthetics only appeared much later.

At that time, the tag allowed me to externalize, more than a mode of expression, risk-taking, the unexpected were opportunities powerful and cathartic stimulants.

I also learned how to surpass myself until I reach my limits. seek excess with the fat cap.

My goal was to take my place. Nothing stopped me, I felt invulnerable. The blast of the bomb's jet propelled me; The fact of having a bomb in my hands gave me such sensations that I could spend whole hours just looking at it. repaint walls with just one color, I was

like fascinated.

Tagging would become an obsession for me that I sought to solve. channel by joining an art school.

I discovered nude drawing and devoted myself to it. à this discipline, experiencing an attraction to

round and feminine shapes. But the tags still took up so much space in my mind, I could invent a world where I was becoming oversized.

My energy was uncontrollable. Long before style I had productivity. Thus I appropriated the places and my mind could travel to different places. across the city. I took pleasure in confront myself with the material, to the the


But the tag is reduction: it cannot show everything, its outcome has become painting for me.

After street art, I now like abstract art.



Artistic approach




My first paintings were rather naive, still inspired by graffiti.

It took me several years of research and practice to be able to paint. A whole artistic reflection took place. I had to also wait, progress, gain confidence before allowing myself to do so. show my painting.

In my paintings, the colors have meaning, they are coded. I associate according to the colors, one calls for the other.

I don't like frozen things. but on the contrary what stimulates the mind and the imagination.

Then movement emerges: an energy that I channel and which bursts onto the canvas. Thickness and

overlays are the trademarks of my creations.

Plays of colors, contrasts and light I paint my emotion. My canvas is the reflection of my inner world, the inexpressible, the absolute. I respect codes and laws acquired during my training in art school and particularly in nude classes. Space, dimensions, tools are taken into consideration.

Painting can take several months of work, touch-ups and a lot of patience. Real preparation is also necessary before focusing on the canvas. Although I have no preconceived ideas of what I will produce, this initial step requires conditioning and access to the material. a certain state to detach oneself from one's emotion. When I paint I completely blend into my canvas, my mind overflows with painting. At this moment what I can express with painting becomes a priority. Nothing then can take me out of creation except physical exhaustion.

A canvas has no limits, it can be reworked, retouched, corrected daily. Something can always be added. Very often I only stop painting when something could appear.


I want to move away, detach myself as much as possible from reality, from present time as well as from clichés, from preconceived symbols. I like to question all reality. , obviously.

Face to face Once the canvas is finished, I find the state I felt at the time of its creation. Then scrolls through everything I did there, everything I put there as well as its faults. Emotion is released but never satisfied, I am always in search of an ideal of perfection.

What I do is research, work on chaos, on the confusion of thoughts, of emotions that invade me before creation.

In this upheaval of sensations I nevertheless respect the colors, the dimensions, the space, the aesthetics.

Today I want to structure this work: I want my painting to become more and more precise and meticulous while maintaining a free spirit and therefore always in abstraction.

Because the abstract conveys the magical.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
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Mona Lisa Gallery, 32 rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris

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