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Artiste Painter

STEPHANE SPITTAEL Born in 1967 in Lille (France). Member of La Maison des artistes. Member of the Company from the authors: A.D.A.G.P. Studied for five years at the Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Tourcoing (E.R.S.E.P) and obtained the National Diploma in Plastic Arts in 1990, then the National Diploma Superior of Expression Plastique in 1992. From 1993 to 1992. 1997, he lives and works in the workshop \"Station Mire\", a place of creation installed in the in a former textile factory, bringing together several artists. In 1997, he settled down and worked at Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) for five years. 2002 return to mainland France to settle in Dordogne. Work: \" Art and Ecology \" For more than thirty years, through his pictorial work, Stéphane Spittael has been dealing with the relationship between Man and Animal and the Plant, by drawing the eye and the mind to the abuses and the dangers... Through its sober compositions, its pure line graphics, and its judicious associations of colors , Stéphane Spittael offers us a singular painting whereù recurring figures act as symbols. In this universe where imagination, creativity and and reflection are the key words, each work conveys an allegorical message leading the viewer to understand what it is. question environmental problems, the limits of society and of (over)consumption and the future of Humanity. This through plays on words and images. Often caustic humor and a pure style, in order to go straight to the point. the essential, offer a poetic world where signs and colors merge harmoniously...A committed work of great coherence, tinged with wisdom and clairvoyance. Works present in private collections in Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Indian Ocean...

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The artistic work of Stéphane SPITTAEL

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Acrylique et huile sur toile