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Dolomieu / France
Artiste Photographer

Born in 1960.

Almost always, I have drawn. Then painted.

The photo arrived around my 14th birthday. Then, after the baccalaureate, studies in photography.

“Classic” photography, for 30 years. At the same time, hyper-realistic trompe l'oeil painting on the walls (interior).

At 50, revolution: my painting changes. Supportive. Instead of painting what I like, I paint, on canvas, what I feel. My photos find themselves “offbeat”, out of phase, obsolete.

So I do research on the, the movements, in photos: mine, that of the subject, possibly, possibly both. To come together in one mind, WITH my two means of expression.

This is what I give you see.

The effects of my photos are only the result of the shooting, no filter on editing software.

To finish this bio, I live in Isère, I am married, I have a daughter. I raised horses and I love nature, flowers, trees, animals.... Pretty stories too.

Artistic approach

I am a Painter and Photographer.

Around the age of 50, I started to work; paint what I felt. My photographs then were classic. My two means of creation were dissociated and... Me too(!)

I therefore did some research so that again, my two means of expression are about the same feeling. answer each other. Allies rather than antagonists. The images that were born from it still amaze and charm me. I'm my first spectator.

I paint my emotions and I photograph beyond them. of reality, which does not exist.

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
Dates clés
The temporal and creative shift.

The artistic work of SY

Newly added works

Photo de l'Irréel, à la prise de vue.