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Artiste Painter

Painter registered with the House of Artists. Lives and works in Brittany, in the Côtes pd Armor

Came late to agrave; painting, his style is spontaneous, intuitive, colorful. and part of an instinctive approach, his emotions become colors, which themselves become paintings, surprising, joyful, consoling.

She developed the online sale of his work with the Internet, thus allowing him to be in contact with galleries and buyers in France and elsewhere.


Artistic approach

First a follower and admirer of the Impressionists, abstract painting is small in popularity. little girl who has become evident over the years in her insatiable search for new experiences and freedom

Her painting and her style have therefore evolved over the years, she has allowed herself to be guided by new techniques which she tirelessly explores.

Colors, light, nature, these words sum up his current painting.

Thus, his pictorial work creates a joyful, colorful universe. and lively. It reflects his intense taste for nature, light, which evoke, suggest and therefore take us to the next level. total freedom of interpretation

For the artist, the profusion of nature, which never lacks taste, is the ideal breeding ground for giving free rein to his work. his insatiability visual and creative

What could be more inspiring than colorful mixtures, the richness of nuances, the depths of tones, the superpositions of colors?

The encounter with the works of Zao Wou-Ki, Hans Hartung, Willem de Kooning, to name but a few, was a wonderful experience. This is a determining factor and has influenced this pronounced taste for a more intuitive painting where we no longer paint what we see but what we feel, without any limits, an abstract work does not imitate reality

Sylvaine Lebreton exhibited his work at numerous occasions during personal and group exhibitions in Brittany for the moment, as well as in various online galleries.

N° from SIRET: 33534348900050


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