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Chazey sur ain / France



1987 - 1989. After three years spent at the Haute Couture Styling and Modeling school of Lyon, I decide to settle in Nîmes. 


1990 - 2001. I start a 2 years graphic designer training in a cartoon studio called Media6 and located in Montpellier.  Then, I specialize in the simulation of plant's growth and 3D modelling. I am hired by the CIRAD (internationnal center of agronomic research for development).


I spend seven years working mainly on the simulation of urban and extra-urban development : for the BNF of Paris among others, for whom I create simulations of the inside garden, but also the docks of the Fountain of Nîmes, the entire Ile de France region, with the IAURIF of Paris, Nantes' tramway, the SNCF new railways and so on. I also work on several projects in Japan, like some golfs, the development of Chichibu Forest, ... I produce a movie about vegetals growth, which leads me to be invited to the SIGRAPH trade fair in Los Angeles. We are now done with the professional aspect. 



I draw and paint since I am a little boy. I have started to paint more seriously and assiduously since 1989. I am part of various artistic events and contests where I win several prices. I hold exhibitions in the Languedoc Roussillon area, but also different places and galleries in Lyon. 


Early 2001, I go back to Lyon, where i become an Artistic Director for SBT company, specialized in creating cognitives exercises. After that, I become Creation and Communication Director in two house design companies. 


I keep painting and hold several exhibitions in Rhônes-Alpes. My work keeping me busy, I slow down my artistic activity from 2005 to 2014. 


End 2014, I litteraly blow off my professional career and passionately commit and dive more deeply into painting. I take a little time to get familiar with the exercise again, and I start to produce master pieces intensly. 


I win several opportunities to exhib my work. 


This is at this period of my life that I meet an art lover, who follows me on a regular basis. Since this day, I realised that I want painting to be my full time activity. I keep taking part in various contests where I win some more prizes. 


Nowadays, I am a painting Teacher for the Atelier Espace de Meximieux association. My first important one have been Art Capital 2020 at the Paris Grand Palais, after I had been selected by the Association of French Artists. My next major exhibitions have been held last end of year in Seoul (INSA ART PLAZA Gallery) and in Tokyo (TOKYO Metropolitan Art Museum) with the BDMC of Paris, and Firenze for International Biennal of Contemporary Art. 


Artistic approach

Définition de mon travail

Ma petite phrase : «  Je tiens à faire entendre ce que j’ai à peindre … ».



 Je diviserais en deux la composition de mes tableaux.


Pour le fond, mes créations sont le résultat à plat de mes émotions. Elles sont souvent suscitées par mes lectures, le cinéma, la musique, les flâneries dans les campagnes, les rues des villes et dans mes rêveries.


Pour la forme, elles sont la représentation de mes humeurs de l’instant. C’est pourquoi ma technique et ma manière évoluent continuellement au fil des sujets traités.

Le plus important à mes yeux est de donner du sens à mon travail.

Van Gogh dans ses échanges épistolaires avec son frère Théo lui disait à peu près ceci :

« L’Homme a ça de plus que Dieu, c’est que quand il crée il donne du sens ».

J’ai fait de cette pensée le centre de mon travail.


Mon but principal est de solliciter l’imagination des visiteurs, leurs colères comme leurs joies, toutes les émotions et les réactions des personnes qui me  feront l’honneur de se déplacer pour découvrir mon modeste travail… les inviter à flâner, vagabonder dans mon univers…

Susciter des réactions, des débats… tout sauf l’indifférence. Etre témoin de mon époque et de son actualité.



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Dates clés
Exposition au Grand Palais avec LA SOCIÉTÉ DES ARTISTES FRANÇAIS pour l'exposition ART CAPITALE

The artistic work of SYL20

Newly added works

Mes délires / my wild ideas