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Artiste Painter

Biography and art statement





When I was in my 20s, I use to love seeing artists, at work, in Place du Tertre in Montmartre and going to  the museums  to see the great masters paintings in Paris and Lyon (the town I come from), i was a nurse student then…I aslo started at that stage to initiate  myself to art  work with a friend of mine who was becoming a professional artist. 

I met my husband during my nursing training and moved to UK 1 year , after beeing qualified as a registered Nurse. My career soon took off and I also became a mum with 3 children, one of whom is autistic. The consequence of this, was zero time for art.


However, 10 years ago, I picked my courage and enrolled in an artist group, run by a qualified teacher, called Jessica Shaw.  On the first day, I felt like I was the new kid at school 😂, wondering what the devil stung me to give it a go at painting.


I could only attend sporadically as my time was divided between France and England and families commitments in both side. 

I think it was good to learn the basics with that group, which was as much about the social side of being with other artists.  It reached a point where I felt that I was learning more by myself, so I stop going and started to use Youtube instead, to see how other artists were approaching their work. I felt less frustrated by doing this and happier with my progress. 


11/ 2020 : i joined the Dorset 2020 art society and started to exhibit my art work with them. 


2021:  I joined “ the Fareham Art Group “ and the “ Bursledon Art Society “ in the local  areas and exhibited my artwork with them.


2021: I started to enter competition and I received a certificate of mérite from the Luxembourg art society.


May 2022: i was accepted by the Hampshire cultural society, to produce my first solo exhibition at the Allen gallery in Alton.


I have extended my work since leaving the art group, to all sorts of topics. I enrolled on a course for portrait painting, something I always wanted to do, but was scared to attempt. I completed my first portrait which I am thrilled with, as Mike Skidmore, my teacher gave me the best compliments and encouragements I could hope for. He believed in me and at times when one gets down, it was the best therapy to spring back to confidence.


Having started painting properly about 8 years ago I am now completely hooked to it, despite the frustrations and bad days, when everything gets ruined. Renoir said “I have so much to learn”, well I just have to join the club and keep on learning.


I only decided to enter the professional market 2 years ago and came to terms with selling my paintings.

Artistic approach

I have done a fair amount of seascape, as I do love the sea, above and below😂.

My husband is a marine biologist and has given me that love for it. In addition to this, as a child, my parents could not afford going to the seaside, so for me seeing the sea was simply magic. I have become more and more fascinated by it.

It certainly cheered me up to work on the seascapes during the Covid confinement.


I also love working with pastels, as it is an easy media to take with me on holiday. The relaxation and  creativity allows me produce nice piece of work.  

When I created my very first pastel, I was on the top of the world, that I could do something with them.  When it was finished, it gave me real pleasure to see it on the wall, as I was ill and confined to  bed, it cheered me up through that difficult time.


For a long time, I did not want to sell my work, as I felt I was selling my babies. I also would not accept money for commissioned work, as I was pleased that people liked my work. I have come to terms with this now, as I feel that I would like recognition for my art. This is not going to happen if I don’t allow exposure to take place. So I have dramatically changed my attitude and I am keen to sell. I would like one day to have enough recognition, to give the major part of my profit to help a charity for  trafficked children. 

The artist has no events planned at the moment. I add an event
Dates clés
Solo exhibition in Hampshire cultural trust
Solo exhibition in Gosport museum

The artistic work of Sylvi.T

Newly added works

Peinture à lhuile