Discover the contemporary work of Alain THOMAS

Born on February 14, 1942 in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique, France). A self-taught man. Started painting in 1962. Building on 40 years of artistic practice, the illustration of 18 books, and significant worldwide presence in private and public collections, Alain Thomas is considered to be the leader of so- called "primitive naive" painting. In France, as well as abroad, the renown of Alain Thomas continues to spread, as can be seen by the constant number of articles in the press and his different appearances in the public media. We can note, among others, Figaro Magazine and Géo Espagne, the televised sequences broadcast on NHK and TBS in Japan and, in Nantes, his exceptional mural fresco of 125 square meters representing a toucan. A partner of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle and Amnesty International's League for Birds Protection (?), Alain Thomas signs prestigious collections, including for Art et Image, a silk manufacturer of Lyons, and for the famous Limoges china manufacturer, Haviland. "Can one say that this self-taught artist is naive? Assuredly so if one refers to notions such as freshness, spontaneity, and freedom. And certainly not if one attempts to identify a single trace of clumsiness in these lively and colorful works." Marc Hérissé, La Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot"Alain Thomas is the patriarch of the naïve art " Le Guide Art et Décoration." There is nothing more refreshing than an Alain Thomas exhibition" Béatrice Comte, Le Figaro Magazine.