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" Being a Painter today is foolish ! Unless you cannot be anything else... Unless you cannot exist differently..."Tillolloy Bernard, a figurative symbolist painter, was born at Montmartre . He started to go to the Grande-Chaumière at Montparnasse , he entered Cassard's Workshop, who was a Fine Arts Professor, then he worked with Gaillard, a teacher at the Royal Academy of Brussels. He travelled and got impregnated with several enriching cultures that favoured an awareness about the true place of Men in Universe. He worked in solo before joining a group of painters from Pays de Loire and they founded the "Companions of the Loire " to whom the Autumn Salon of 1985 paid an official hommage. He took part in the Exhibitions of Prestige, of which a presentation of "Painters of Light" at the Art Gallery of the Place Beauvau in Paris in 1988. Several Prizes and Distinctions of which :Grand Prix of New York , Prix Signatures of Paris, Prix J.M. of Gémmail in Tours . Guest of Honour in several important Salons, his works fascinate the "collectionneurs" from the five continents . Present with a "Gémmail" at the Museum of the Gémmail in Tours. His works can be seen at "web site" and at Workshop, and they are also permanently at "l'AKADEMIA" of Loches, in Touraine.Today, he has gone back to the path of a research protected from fashions and currents, in the respect of a tradition forged by our western culture. All this in order to a better way of putting into practice this Seneca's thought : " It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult... "Gonzague St Bris, while evoking his painting, imagines "a Kingdom Sovereign of Nostalgies" ...Established ranking mentioned by the review " Etat d'Art Méditerranée ".

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The artistic work of Bernard TILLOLLOY

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