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Hector Toro Art
Gonesse / France
Artiste Painter
Hector Toro Art

Hector Toro Of surrealist and symbolist inspiration I depict my visions imbued with the past and the present through compositions nourished by my imagination. I sometimes call my particular style: Symbolism of mystical intuition. Between dream and reality my works tend towards a dreamlike or even metaphysical dimension. I am fundamentally interested in the human condition. In my painting I try to make visible the links that are woven in our existences … between Men Women and children, all confronted in one way or another with the marvelous … the tragic... the spiritual. I therefore build this « Mise en Image » To bear witness to the questions that emerge along our paths... In this quest for meaning, in the midst of the Chaos of our time. Facebook: Hector Toro Art Regularly present (every 15 days) at the Marché de la création in Paris Montparnasse, held every Sunday of the year on Bvd Edgar Quinet Email: [hidden for your safety] * * * * * * * Hector Toro My Artistic Approach: "In a quest for the meaning of the human condition, I am building a "visualization" Who tries to structure the eye of the storm, Who bears witness to the chaos of our time "Beyond the painted images I try to stage situations Imbued with our complex contemporary life Which bear witness to feelings and perceptions, Anchored in the human condition... I expect from you, spectator Of these "images", That you let yourself go to meet them...And that in parallel with the gaze You listen to your little inner voice...Who will know better than all theories,Guide you in the world that is offered to you...And perhaps you will be able to see The you that is in me! ...The me that is in you! I persist in finding a "positive" meaning to the tragic path that often precedes our steps... Before us, the horizon of the eternal present... Enchants me and whispers to me that everything is possible! "Hector Toro

Artistic approach

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Return to creation after more than a year of inactivity due to health problems (Epicondilitis and depression)

The artistic work of Hector Toro Art

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